Abstract: A Ca-poor rhodonite (CaO 1.31 wt.%), found in a quartz vein cutting manganese ore bodies, north of the Xanthi plutonic complex (northeastern Greece) was studied. Microprobe analyses with optical and physical properties are given. The cell dimensions, obtained by least squares calculation from direct θ value measurements on a Philips PW1100 single-crystal diffractometer are a = 7.626, b = 11.844, c = 6.702 Å, α = 92.44°, β = 94.28°, γ = 105.70°, V = 579.89 Å3, Z = 10, and space group P¯1.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1982 v. 46; no. 340; p. 337-340; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1982.046.340.06
© 1982, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)