Abstract: Eluvial pebbles from the Afu Hills, Nigeria, are largely composed of fluocerite, Ce0.50La0.28Nd0.11 Pr0.04Th0.03Ca0.02F3, with minor monazite. The fluocerite shows two types of alteration, to bastnäsite, and to bastnäsite-(La) with cerianite. Electron microprobe analyses are given for fluocerite, monazite, bastnäsite and bastnäsite-(La). The refined cell parameters of the fluocerite are a = 7.130±0.001, c = 7.2985 ± 0.001 Å. Strongest lines are 3.204 Å (100), 3.65 (45), 2.059 (45), 2.010 (45) and 3.565 (40). Space group P 63/mcm, Z = 6, Dcalc. = 6.12 g cm−3, ω = 1.613, ε = 1.609 both ±0.002, uniaxial negative. For bastnäsite a = 7.131 ± 0.002, c = 9.786±0.004 Å, for cerianite a = 5.460 ± 0.005 Å.
Mineralogical Magazine; March 1983 v. 47; no. 342; p. 41-46; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1983.047.342.07
© 1983, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)