Abstract: A reported occurrence of metamorphic rocks containing sodic pyroxenes, in the transition zone between the Pelagonian Crystalline Massif and the Vardar Ophiolite Belt, in Macedonia, Yugoslavia, has been re-investigated, and pyroxenes, micas, plagioclase, and clinozoisite analysed by microprobe. The presence of the high-pressure metamorphic assemblage quartz + omphacite+albite is confirmed, giving the first definite indication of blueschist-facies metamorphic conditions in Yugoslavia.
Mineralogical Magazine; June 1983 v. 47; no. 343; p. 139-141; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1983.047.343.03
© 1983, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)