Abstract: Amphiboles in dykes from the dominantly silica-undersaturated Monteregian series range from pargasitic megacrysts and xenocrysts to kaersutitic, pargasitic and hastingsitic phenocrysts, groundmass prisms and reaction rims. Amphiboles in dykes and plutons from the silica-oversaturated White Mountain Magma Series range from kaersutite, through hornblende, hastingsite and edenite, to sodic-calcic and sodic varieties. This contrast between the amphiboles from the two series is probably a reflection of differing melt silica activity and is a useful petrologic discriminant. In most cases, pargasitic amphibole megacrysts from Monteregian monchiquites reflect the Mg numbers of their host rocks and are considered cognate. The megacrysts are lower in Ti and higher in Mg and Al than their phenocryst mantles and rims. This is probably a result of higher pressures of formation.
Mineralogical Magazine; March 1988 v. 52; no. 364; p. 91-103; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1988.052.364.08
© 1988, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)