Abstract: Lapilli from the August 1966 eruption of the carbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai consist of carbonate-cemented aggregates of (i) mono- and poly-mineralic fragments of ijolitic rocks, (ii) single grains and clusters of euhedral nepheline, Ti-andradite, and Ti-magnetite, and (iii) corroded pyroxene and wollastonite grains surrounded by coronas containing combeite, melilite, Ca-silicates (possibly larnite and rankinite), and rounded bodies of submicrometre intergrowths with complex bulk compositions dominated by Na,K,Ca-phosphate-carbonate and alkali-iron-sulphide-carbonate. The (ii,iii) materials, together with abundant Na-carbonate, sylvite and fluorite occurring as cement and shells in the lapilli, are attributed to mixing and incomplete reaction of ijolite and carbonatite magmas during the explosive eruption. The rounded submicrometre intergrowths are interpreted as the quench products of two types of immiscible liquids whose properties should be studied by controlled synthesis.
Mineralogical Magazine; March 1992 v. 56; no. 382; p. 1-16; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1992.056.382.01
© 1992, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)