Geochemical Characteristics and Petrogenesis of the Main Granitic Intrusions of Greece: An Application of Trace Element Discrimination Diagrams

E. Baltatzis*, J. Esson and P. Mitropoulos*
* University of Athens, Department of Geology, Panepistimiopolis, Ano Ilisia, Athens 15784, Greece
University of Manchester, Department of Geology, Manchester M13 9PL, England

Abstract: Geochemical investigation of samples from 20 granitic intrusions in six tectonic zones of the Hellenides shows that both I-type and S-type granites occur in the region. The I-type granites from four of the zones, namely the Rhodope Massif (RM), the Serbomacedonian Massif (SMM), the Perirhodope Zone (PRZ) and the Attico-cycladic Zone (ACZ), show some systematic differences in their geochemistry. In particular, the Rb, Y, Nb, K and Ti contents increase in the sequence PRZ, SMM, RM and ACZ. The PRZ granites are of Jurassic age, those of the SMM and RM are Eocene to Oligocene and the ACZ ones are Miocene. The differences between zones are attributed to a combination of differences in partial melting and high-pressure fractionation processes. Geochemical differences within zones are explained by variable degrees of amphibole and apatite fractionation and accumulation.

Keywords: granite • intrusion • geochemistry • trace elements • discrimination • Greece

Mineralogical Magazine; December 1992 v. 56; no. 385; p. 487-501; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1992.056.385.05
© 1992, The Mineralogical Society
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