Abstract: Mesothermal, gold-bearing quartz veins are widespread within allochthonous terranes of Alaska that are composed dominantly of greenschist-facies metasedimentary rocks. The most productive lode deposits are concentrated in south-central and southeastern Alaska; small and generally nonproductive gold-bearing veins occur upstream from major placer deposits in interior and northern Alaska. Oreforming fluids in all areas are consistent with derivation from metamorphic devolatilisation reactions, and a close temporal relationship exists between high-T tectonic deformation, igneous activity, and gold mineralization. Ore fluids were of consistently low salinity, CO2-rich, and had δ18O values of 7‰–12‰ and δD values between −15‰ and −35‰. Upper-crustal temperatures within the metamorphosed terranes reached at least 450–500°C before onset of significant gold-forming hydrothermal activity. Within interior and northern Alaska, latest Paleozoic through Early Cretaceous contractional deformation was characterised by obduction of oceanic crust, low-T/high-P metamorphism, and a lack of gold vein formation. Mid-Cretaceous veining occurred some 50–100 m.y. later, during a subsequent high-T metamorphic/magmatic event, possibly related to extension and uplift. In southern Alaska, gold deposits formed during latter stages of Tertiary, subduction-related, collisional orogenesis and were often temporally coeval with calc-alkaline magmatism.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1993 v. 57; no. 388; p. 375-394; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1993.057.388.03
© 1993, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)