Abstract: Alkali feldspar phenocrysts (bulk composition Or75.0Ab24.6An0.4) in the subsolvus Shap granite comprise a fine-scale mixture of subregular pristine crypto- and micro-perthites with altered, micropore-rich feldspar with irregular microstructures. The regular perthites are strain-controlled intergrowths of Albite and/or Periclinetwinned albite exsolution lamellae within tweed orthoclase. The microperthites formed at ⩽ 590°C by heterogeneous nucleation of thin albite films which coarsened to > 1 µm length. Cryptoperthites developed at < 400°C by homogeneous nucleation of sub-µm long platelets between films. Platelets are coherent, but the coarser microperthite lamellae are semi-coherent, with pairs of misfit dislocations sub-regularly spaced along the albite-orthoclase interface. As much as 30% of any one feldspar crystal is turbid, a result of the formation of numerous µm to sub-µm sized micropores during deuteric alteration. In some areas, deuteric fluids gained access to the interior of feldspar crystals by exploiting semi-coherent film lamellae. Albite was selectively dissolved and micropore-rich irregular microcline was reprecipitated in its place. In other parts of the feldspars deuteric recrystallization completely cross-cuts the pristine microtextures and patch perthites have formed. These are coarse, incoherent to semi-coherent intergrowths of irregular microcline (replacing tweed orthoclase) and Albite-twinned albite. The deuteric reactions occurred at < 400°C; the main driving force for dissolution and reprecipitation was decrease in the elastic strain energy at the coherent interfaces of crypto-and micro-perthite lamellae, and the recrystallization of tweed orthoclase to irregular microcline.
Mineralogical Magazine; March 1995 v. 59; no. 394; p. 63-78; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1995.59.394.06
© 1995, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)