Zinc R070497

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Record 4027 of 4071  

Name: Zinc
RRUFF ID: R070497
Ideal Chemistry: Zn
Locality: Round Mountain area, Shasta County, California, USA
Source: James Shigley [view label]
Owner: RRUFF
Description: Grey, metallic crystal with irregular, platy structure
Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction.
RRUFF ID: R070497.2
Sample Description: Microprobe Fragment
Sample Description: Unoriented sample

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RRUFF ID: R070497
Sample Description: Unoriented sample
Instrument settings: Thermo Almega XR 532nm @ 100% of 150mW
RRUFF ID: R070497.9
Sample Description: Powder, using Mo radiation
Cell Refinement Output: a: 2.6701(2)Å    b: 2.6701(2)Å    c: 4.955(1)Å
alpha: 90°    beta: 90°    gamma: 120°   Volume: 30.596(8)Å3    Crystal System: hexagonal
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American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

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