A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Alunite | Arsenopyrite | Chalcopyrite | Diaspore | Fluorite | Löllingite | Molybdenite | None | Not in a structural group | Pyrite |
Quartz | Rocksalt | Rutile | Scheelite | Tourmaline | Wavellite |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Anatase (*) | Not in a structural group | TiO2 | 310 | 259 | 0 | 2162 | |
Arsenopyrite (*) | Arsenopyrite | FeAsS | 310 | 259 | 2 | 119061,119062 | 9052 |
Bertrandite (*) | Not in a structural group | Be4Si2O7(OH)2 | 310 | 259 | 1 | 119061 | 606 |
Beudantite (*) | Alunite | PbFe3+3(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6 | 310 | 259 | 0 | 413 | |
Cassiterite (*) | Rutile | SnO2 | 310 | 259 | 3 | 119061,119062,119063 | 5171 |
Chalcopyrite (*) | Chalcopyrite | CuFeS2 | 310 | 259 | 1 | 119062 | 27198 |
Ferrimolybdite (*) | None | Fe3+2(Mo6+O4)3·7H2O | 310 | 259 | 1 | 119062 | 345 |
Fluorite (*) | Fluorite | CaF2 | 310 | 259 | 1 | 119062 | 9617 |
Galena (*) | Rocksalt | PbS | 310 | 259 | 1 | 119061 | 24243 |
Goethite (*) | Diaspore | FeO(OH) | 310 | 259 | 0 | 7437 | |
Löllingite (*) | Löllingite | FeAs2 | 310 | 259 | 0 | 762 | |
Molybdenite (*) | Molybdenite | MoS2 | 310 | 259 | 3 | 119061,119062,119063 | 5800 |
Pyrite (*) | Pyrite | FeS2 | 310 | 259 | 0 | 39462 | |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | 310 | 259 | 2 | 119061,119062 | 61156 |
Scheelite (*) | Scheelite | Ca(WO4) | 310 | 259 | 0 | 4894 | |
Schorl (*) | Tourmaline | NaFe2+3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH) | 310 | 259 | 0 | 2705 | |
Scorodite (*) | None | Fe3+(AsO4)·2H2O | 310 | 259 | 0 | 1153 | |
Varlamoffite (*) | Rutile | (Sn,Fe)(O,OH)2 | 310 | 259 | 1 | 119062 | 56 |
Wavellite (*) | Wavellite | Al3(PO4)2(OH)3·5H2O | 310 | 259 | 0 | 374 |
Excel ID | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | Age as listed in reference | Dating Method | Age Interpret | Prioritized? | Sample Source | Sample Num | Run Num | Age from other Locality | Dated Mineral | Minerals explicitely stated as having this age | Age applies to these Elements | MinDat Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Location as listed in reference | Reference | Reference DOI | Reference ID | Age Notes | |
Lucy_122 | 277 | 265 | 271 ± 6 | K/Ar | Previous K/Ar determination | muscovite | Muscovite | 874 | Kit Hill United Mines (incl. Kit Hill Great Consols), Callington, Stokeclimsland, Cornwall, England, UK | Kit Hill Granite | Bray and Spooner (1983) | 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 | EG78_1064 | Age determined from one sample of muscovite at Kit Hill Granite | |||||||
Lucy_123 | 310 | 294 | 302 ± 8 | K/Ar | Previous K/Ar determination | biotite | 874 | Kit Hill United Mines (incl. Kit Hill Great Consols), Callington, Stokeclimsland, Cornwall, England, UK | Kit Hill Granite | Bray and Spooner (1983) | 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 | EG78_1064 | Age determined from one sample of biotite at Kit Hill Granite | ||||||||
Lucy_215 | 306 | 290 | 296 ± 8 | K-Ar | Age for Callington Granite | biotite | 874 | Kit Hill United Mines (incl. Kit Hill Great Consols), Callington, Stokeclimsland, Cornwall, England, UK | Kit Hill Quarry | Miller et al (1964) | 10.1002/gj.3350040109 | GJ4_105 | New ages on the granites and derived rocks | ||||||||
Lucy_216 | 271 | 259 | 265 ± 6 | K-Ar | Age for Callington Granite | muscovite | Muscovite | 874 | Kit Hill United Mines (incl. Kit Hill Great Consols), Callington, Stokeclimsland, Cornwall, England, UK | Kit Hill Quarry | Miller et al (1964) | 10.1002/gj.3350040109 | GJ4_105 | New ages on the granites and derived rocks |
Sample | Source Locality | Reference URL |
All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org
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