Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.

The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.

Locality Name:
Phong Tho District, Lai Chau Province, Vietnam

Oldest recorded age at locality: 331
Youngest recorded age at locality: 30

mindat Locality ID: 203225
mindat URL: http://www.mindat.org/loc-203225.html

Tectonic Settings:

Total number of sublocalities beneath "Phong Tho District, Lai Chau Province, Vietnam": 8
Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 6

Number of Child Localities: 4
Child Localities:
Ban Mo Carbonatite
Mt Fansipan
Shengquan Cu Deposit
Then Thau-Ban Mao Carbonatite

Latitude: 22°32'0"N
Longitude: 103°27'0"E
Decimal Degree (lat, lon): 22.533333333333,103.45

AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
GThis mineral is directly dated.
BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

This Mineral list contains entries from this locality, including sub-localities. Minerals in bold are reported by mindat.org as occurring directly at this locality, and do not occur at any children (sublocalities) of this locality.

Elements at this locality, including sub-localities: Al Ba C Ca Ce Cu F Fe H K La Mg Mo Na O P Pb S Si Sr Zn 

Elements from minerals reported directly at this locality: Fe Na O Si 

Structural Groups for minerals in this locality: 

28 IMA Minerals at location:
Aegirine  (*)Ankerite  (*)Baryte  (*)Bastnäsite-(Ce)  (*)Burbankite  (*)
Calcite  (*)Carbocernaite  (*)Celestine  (*)Chalcopyrite  (*)Dolomite  (*)
Epidote  (*)Fluorapatite  (*)Fluorbritholite-(Ce)  (*)Fluorite  (*)Galena  (*)
Lanthanite-(Ce)  (*)Magnetite  (*)Molybdenite  (*)Montmorillonite  (*)Parisite-(Ce)  (*)
Phlogopite  (*)Pyrite  (*)Pyrrhotite  (*)Quartz  (*)Siderite  (*)
Sphalerite  (*)Strontianite  (*)Synchysite-(Ce)  (*)
Mineral nameStructural GroupsIMA FormulaMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)# of Sublocalities containing mineralLOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids# of localities containing mineral
Aegirine  (*)PyroxeneNaFe3+Si2O63313001022
Ankerite  (*)NoneCa(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2331302294771,2947723092
Baryte  (*)BaryteBa(SO4)33130129477211547
Bastnäsite-(Ce)  (*)BastnäsiteCe(CO3)F331301294772304
Burbankite  (*)Burbankite(Na,Ca)3(Sr,Ba,Ce)3(CO3)533130129477252
Calcite  (*)CalciteCa(CO3)33130129477227770
Carbocernaite  (*)Carbocernaite(Sr,Ce,La)(Ca,Na)(CO3)233130129476824
Celestine  (*)BaryteSr(SO4)3313012947721252
Chalcopyrite  (*)ChalcopyriteCuFeS247.530129477327198
Dolomite  (*)NoneCaMg(CO3)23313012947729895
Epidote  (*)Epidote ClinozoisiteCa2(Al2Fe3+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)47.53012947738173
Fluorapatite  (*)ApatiteCa5(PO4)3F3313012947722740
Fluorbritholite-(Ce)  (*)Apatite(Ce,Ca)5(SiO4)3F33130129477219
Fluorite  (*)FluoriteCaF2331302294771,2947729617
Galena  (*)RocksaltPbS33130129477224243
Lanthanite-(Ce)  (*)LanthaniteCe2(CO3)3·8H2O33130129477216
Magnetite  (*)SpinelFe2+Fe3+2O4331302294772,29477314899
Molybdenite  (*)MolybdeniteMoS23313012947725800
Montmorillonite  (*)Clay Smectite-vermiculite(Na,Ca)0.3(Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·nH2O3313012947721508
Parisite-(Ce)  (*)ParisiteCaCe2(CO3)3F2331302294771,294772112
Phlogopite  (*)Mica ClayKMg3(AlSi3O10)(OH)23313012947722273
Pyrite  (*)PyriteFeS2331302294772,29477339462
Pyrrhotite  (*)NickelineFe7S847.53012947739056
Quartz  (*)QuartzSiO233130129477261156
Siderite  (*)CalciteFe(CO3)3313012947726417
Sphalerite  (*)SphaleriteZnS33130129477221482
Strontianite  (*)AragoniteSr(CO3)331301294772589
Synchysite-(Ce)  (*)NoneCaCe(CO3)2F331302294771,294772232

Locality Notes from all Ages at Locality:
Age IDLocality Notes
Jen_0001163The Phong Tho district covers 3,500 km2 across which are scattered the four carbonatite localities of Southern NamXe, Ban Mo, Northern NamXe and Then Thau-Ban Lang. MAGMATIC STYLE: Includes a volcano with extrusive carbonatites and irregular intrusions, dykes and veins. ASSOCIATED SILICATE ROCKS: Basaltic trachyandesite, trachyrhyolite, trachyte, leucitophyre, peralkaline syenites and granites; lamproites and lamprophyres.
Jen_0001164The Phong Tho district covers 3,500 km2 across which are scattered the four carbonatite localities of Southern NamXe, Ban Mo, Northern NamXe and Then Thau-Ban Lang. MAGMATIC STYLE: Includes a volcano with extrusive carbonatites and irregular intrusions, dykes and veins. ASSOCIATED SILICATE ROCKS: Basaltic trachyandesite, trachyrhyolite, trachyte, leucitophyre, peralkaline syenites and granites; lamproites and lamprophyres.

4 Ages assigned to this locality:

Excel IDMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)Age as listed in referenceDating MethodAge InterpretPrioritized?Sample SourceSample NumRun NumAge from other LocalityDated MineralMinerals explicitely stated as having this ageAge applies to these ElementsMinDat Locality IDDated Locality (Max Age)Location as listed in referenceReferenceReference DOIReference IDAge Notes
Jen_0001163303030Rb-Sr phlogopite, k-feldspar     27053Nâm Xe REE Deposit, Mt Fansipan, Phong Tho District, Lai Chau Province, VietnamPhong ThoWoolley and Kjarsgaard (2008)10.4095/225115GSCOF5796 
Jen_000116447.540.544±3.5Rb-Sr phlogopite, k-feldspar     27053Nâm Xe REE Deposit, Mt Fansipan, Phong Tho District, Lai Chau Province, VietnamPhong ThoWoolley and Kjarsgaard (2008)10.4095/225115GSCOF5796 
ree-00770331252Middle Carboniferous - Permian        27053Nâm Xe REE Deposit, Mt Fansipan, Phong Tho District, Lai Chau Province, VietnamNam Xe North (Mau Xe North)Orris and Grauch (2002) USGSOFR02_189 
ree-00771299252Late Permian        27053Nâm Xe REE Deposit, Mt Fansipan, Phong Tho District, Lai Chau Province, VietnamNam Xe South (Mau Xe North)Orris and Grauch (2002) USGSOFR02_189 

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