The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.
The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.
Locality Name:Hósvik, Streymoy Island, Faroe Islands, DenmarkOldest recorded age at locality: 5498Youngest recorded age at locality: 0.87mindat Locality ID: 130775mindat URL: Settings: Total number of sublocalities beneath "Hósvik, Streymoy Island, Faroe Islands, Denmark": 0Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 0Latitude: 62°9'16"NLongitude: 6°56'24"WDecimal Degree (lat, lon): 62.154444444444,-6.94
This mineral is Anthropogenic.
This mineral is directly dated.
This mineral is reported as having this age.
This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.
No IMA Minerals occur at this locality according to mindatLocality Notes from all Ages at Locality:
Age ID
Locality Notes
Strike: ENE-WSW: Dextral strike-slip, unknown displacement. Fault zone ranges from ~1.0-3.0 m thick displaying crack seal veins parallel to the main fault zone. Veins are typically 1-2 cm thick, but locally total vein thickness is up to ~30 cm thick, comprising multiple crack seal type veins and breccia zones. Wall rock contained within veins indicate stage opening of fractures, which linked to form through-going faults.
Strike: ENE-WSW: Dextral strike-slip, unknown displacement. Fault zone ranges from ~1.0-3.0 m thick displaying crack seal veins parallel to the main fault zone. Veins are typically 1-2 cm thick, but locally total vein thickness is up to ~30 cm thick, comprising multiple crack seal type veins and breccia zones. Wall rock contained within veins indicate stage opening of fractures, which linked to form through-going faults.
Strike: ENE-WSW: ~4-5m displacement (dextral oblique) accommodated across a 0.1 m to 2.0 m fault core and damage zone, which varies in thickness and fault rock type depending on the host lithology: basaltic units disaggregate to form breccias; volcaniclastic units are dragged into the master fault plane forming discrete extension and extensional-shear veins. Fault damage varies both along strike and up/down dip of the master fault, becoming much thinner through the volcaniclastic horizon. Brecciated calcite in veins indicates multiple slip events accommodated across the fault zone.
Strike: ENE-WSW: ~4-5m displacement (dextral oblique) accommodated across a 0.1 m to 2.0 m fault core and damage zone, which varies in thickness and fault rock type depending on the host lithology: basaltic units disaggregate to form breccias; volcaniclastic units are dragged into the master fault plane forming discrete extension and extensional-shear veins. Fault damage varies both along strike and up/down dip of the master fault, becoming much thinner through the volcaniclastic horizon. Brecciated calcite in veins indicates multiple slip events accommodated across the fault zone.
Strike: NNE-SSW: Dextral oblique slip, cuts and offsets ESE-WNW dikes. Displacement estimated to be about 20 m based on dike offset. Fault shows crack seal texture with calcite mineralisation, and local breccia of host rock with calcite fill, up to 20 cm thick.
Strike: NNE-SSW: Dextral oblique slip, cuts and offsets ESE-WNW dikes. Displacement estimated to be about 20 m based on dike offset. Fault shows crack seal texture with calcite mineralisation, and local breccia of host rock with calcite fill, up to 20 cm thick.
Strike: E-W: Dextral oblique-slip fault with 2-5 cm displacement, accommodated across a 2-30 cm thick fault zone. Fault damage zone comprises minor extension mode fractures, with zeolite mineralisation. Fault core zone displays crack seal type veins of calcite, zeolite, and bitumen. Bitumen staining is observed locally within calcite.
Strike: E-W: Dextral oblique-slip fault with 2-5 cm displacement, accommodated across a 2-30 cm thick fault zone. Fault damage zone comprises minor extension mode fractures, with zeolite mineralisation. Fault core zone displays crack seal type veins of calcite, zeolite, and bitumen. Bitumen staining is observed locally within calcite.
Strike: ESE-WNW: Sinistral oblique slip, unknown displacement; sub-parallel to, and cuts dike. Fault zone is up to 2 m thick, comprising fracture mesh damage zone and locally brecciated fault core. Crack seal veins line the fault core and locally form part of the central breccia. Central breccia hosts euhedral calcite, and zeolite on calcite crystal faces.
Strike: ESE-WNW: Sinistral oblique slip, unknown displacement; sub-parallel to, and cuts dike. Fault zone is up to 2 m thick, comprising fracture mesh damage zone and locally brecciated fault core. Crack seal veins line the fault core and locally form part of the central breccia. Central breccia hosts euhedral calcite, and zeolite on calcite crystal faces.
Strike: ENE-WSW: ~4-5m displacement (dextral oblique) accommodated across a 0.1 m to 2.0 m fault core and damage zone, which varies in thickness and fault rock type depending on the host lithology: basaltic units disaggregate to form breccias; volcaniclastic units are dragged into the master fault plane forming discrete extension and extensional-shear veins. Fault damage varies both along strike and up/down dip of the master fault, becoming much thinner through the volcaniclastic horizon. Brecciated calcite in veins indicates multiple slip events accommodated across the fault zone.
Strike: ENE-WSW: ~4-5m displacement (dextral oblique) accommodated across a 0.1 m to 2.0 m fault core and damage zone, which varies in thickness and fault rock type depending on the host lithology: basaltic units disaggregate to form breccias; volcaniclastic units are dragged into the master fault plane forming discrete extension and extensional-shear veins. Fault damage varies both along strike and up/down dip of the master fault, becoming much thinner through the volcaniclastic horizon. Brecciated calcite in veins indicates multiple slip events accommodated across the fault zone.
Strike: ENE-WSW: Unknown displacement. Directional opening along minor fractures in the damage zone suggests dextral slip. Fault zone comprises a zone of calcite fill, up to 50 cm thick, which show euhedral calcite growth around 10-20 cm size blocks of basalt host rock. Breccia fragments appear to be selfsupporting across fault thickness, with mineral fill growing radially around blocks. Locally mineralisation is incomplete, showing vugs up to 1-5 cm across, which display euhedral calcite and zeolite mineralisation on calcite crystal faces.
Strike: ENE-WSW: Unknown displacement. Directional opening along minor fractures in the damage zone suggests dextral slip. Fault zone comprises a zone of calcite fill, up to 50 cm thick, which show euhedral calcite growth around 10-20 cm size blocks of basalt host rock. Breccia fragments appear to be selfsupporting across fault thickness, with mineral fill growing radially around blocks. Locally mineralisation is incomplete, showing vugs up to 1-5 cm across, which display euhedral calcite and zeolite mineralisation on calcite crystal faces.
Strike: NE-SW: Dextral oblique slip, unknown displacement (possibly ~80 m based on ESE-WNW dike offset across Tjornuvik bay), hosted partially within a NE-SW dike. Fault zone comprises mesh of zeolite and calcite crack seal type veins.
Strike: NE-SW: Dextral oblique slip, unknown displacement (possibly ~80 m based on ESE-WNW dike offset across Tjornuvik bay), hosted partially within a NE-SW dike. Fault zone comprises mesh of zeolite and calcite crack seal type veins.
Apparent opening mode vein with complex crack-seal vein system forming fault core zone (see supplementary figure LEY samples: E-F), and peripheral veins forming damage zone (up to 50 cm from fault core). Fault core and damage zone hosts calcite veins with zeolite overgrowth (1-2 mm thick), suggesting incomplete mineral filling during calcite precipitation. Fault records several stages of fault formation as demonstrated by cross-cutting calcite and zeolite veins in fault core. It is important to note that the hosting fault is adjacent to a NE-SW-striking Set 3 fault of unknown displacement.
Apparent opening mode vein with complex crack-seal vein system forming fault core zone (see supplementary figure LEY samples: E-F), and peripheral veins forming damage zone (up to 50 cm from fault core). Fault core and damage zone hosts calcite veins with zeolite overgrowth (1-2 mm thick), suggesting incomplete mineral filling during calcite precipitation. Fault records several stages of fault formation as demonstrated by cross-cutting calcite and zeolite veins in fault core. It is important to note that the hosting fault is adjacent to a NE-SW-striking Set 3 fault of unknown displacement.