A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Acanthite (*) | Acanthite | Ag2S | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 2793 |
Actinolite (*) | Amphibole | Ca2(Mg4.5-2.5Fe2+0.5-2.5)Si8O22(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112591 | 3419 |
Aikinite (*) | Meneghinite | CuPbBiS3 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 315 |
Alabandite (*) | Rocksalt | MnS | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 312 |
Albite (*) | Feldspar | Na(AlSi3O8) | 1900 | 1800 | 0 | 8803 | |
Allargentum (*) | Allargentum | Ag1-xSbx (x ≈ 0.09-0.16) | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 69 |
Almandine (*) | Garnet | Fe2+3Al2(SiO4)3 | 1878 | 1827 | 2 | 112596,112597 | 2353 |
Anorthite (*) | Feldspar | Ca(Al2Si2O8) | 1900 | 1800 | 0 | 1036 | |
Anthophyllite (*) | Amphibole | Mg2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112597 | 718 |
Antimony (*) | Arsenic | Sb | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 363 |
Arsenopyrite (*) | Arsenopyrite | FeAsS | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 9052 |
Augite (*) | Pyroxene | (Ca,Mg,Fe)2Si2O6 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112597 | 2060 |
Bismuth (*) | Arsenic | Bi | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112593,112594,112598 | 1966 |
Bismuthinite (*) | Stibnite | Bi2S3 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112593,112598 | 1935 |
Bornite (*) | None | Cu5FeS4 | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112592,112593,112598 | 5516 |
Boulangerite (*) | None | Pb5Sb4S11 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 843 |
Bournonite (*) | Bournonite | CuPbSbS3 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 1089 |
Breithauptite (*) | Nickeline | NiSb | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 175 |
Carrollite (*) | Spinel | CuCo2S4 | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112592,112593,112598 | 154 |
Chalcopyrite (*) | Chalcopyrite | CuFeS2 | 1900 | 1800 | 5 | 112592,112593,112594,112598,112601 | 27198 |
Chondrodite (*) | Humite | Mg5(SiO4)2F2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112591 | 285 |
Clausthalite (*) | Rocksalt | PbSe | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 281 |
Cobaltite (*) | Cobaltite | CoAsS | 1900 | 1800 | 4 | 112591,112593,112598,112601 | 966 |
Cobaltpentlandite (*) | Pentlandite | Co9S8 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112593,112598 | 82 |
Costibite (*) | Löllingite | CoSbS | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 19 |
Covellite (*) | Covellite | CuS | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112592,112593,112598 | 4165 |
Cubanite (*) | Cubanite Wurtzite | CuFe2S3 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 802 |
Cummingtonite (*) | Amphibole | Mg2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 2 | 112596,112597 | 327 |
Diaphorite (*) | None | Ag3Pb2Sb3S8 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 126 |
Digenite (*) | Digenite | Cu1.8S | 1878 | 1827 | 2 | 112592,112593 | 1027 |
Diopside (*) | Pyroxene | CaMgSi2O6 | 1878 | 1827 | 3 | 112592,112593,112597 | 4135 |
Dyscrasite (*) | Allargentum | Ag3+xSb1-x (x ≈ 0.2) | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 180 |
Emplectite (*) | Chalcostibite | CuBiS2 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 246 |
Enstatite (*) | Pyroxene | Mg2Si2O6 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112596 | 944 |
Epidote (*) | Epidote Clinozoisite | Ca2(Al2Fe3+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112595 | 8173 |
Erythrite (*) | Vivianite | Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 814 |
Fayalite (*) | Olivine | Fe2+2(SiO4) | 1878 | 1827 | 2 | 112596,112597 | 371 |
Ferrosilite (*) | Pyroxene | Fe2+2Si2O6 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112597 | 84 |
Freibergite (*) | Tetrahedrite | Ag6[Cu4Fe2]Sb4S12 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 663 |
Gahnite (*) | Spinel | ZnAl2O4 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 445 |
Galena (*) | Rocksalt | PbS | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 24243 |
Gold (*) | Copper | Au | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 30554 |
Graphite (*) | None | C | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 2812 |
Greenockite (*) | Wurtzite | CdS | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 717 |
Grunerite (*) | Amphibole | Fe2+2Fe2+5Si8O22(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112597 | 223 |
Gudmundite (*) | Arsenopyrite | FeSbS | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 170 |
Gustavite (*) | Lillianite | AgPbBi3S6 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 113 |
Hauchecornite (*) | hauchecornite | Ni9BiSbS8 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 27 |
Hedenbergite (*) | Pyroxene | CaFe2+Si2O6 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112591,112601 | 741 |
Hematite (*) | Corundum | Fe2O3 | 1878 | 1827 | 2 | 112591,112596 | 14640 |
Hessite (*) | None | Ag2Te | 1900 | 1800 | 4 | 112592,112593,112594,112598 | 804 |
Jamesonite (*) | None | Pb4FeSb6S14 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 784 |
Joséite-B (*) | Tetradymite | Bi4Te2S | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 86 |
Kawazulite (*) | Tetradymite | Bi2Te2Se | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 32 |
Kieftite (*) | Skutterudite Perovskite | CoSb3 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 3 |
Linnaeite (*) | Spinel | Co2+Co3+2S4 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 249 |
Löllingite (*) | Löllingite | FeAs2 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 762 |
Mackinawite (*) | None | (Fe,Ni)1+xS (x = 0-0.07) | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 451 |
Magnetite (*) | Spinel | Fe2+Fe3+2O4 | 1900 | 1800 | 4 | 112591,112592,112595,112598 | 14899 |
Manganite (*) | Rutile | Mn3+O(OH) | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112596 | 770 |
Marcasite (*) | Marcasite | FeS2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 5674 |
Matildite (*) | None | AgBiS2 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 252 |
Mawsonite (*) | None | Cu6Fe2SnS8 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112593,112598 | 92 |
Meneghinite (*) | Meneghinite | Pb13CuSb7S24 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 158 |
Miargyrite (*) | None | AgSbS2 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 300 |
Millerite (*) | Millerite | NiS | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 1066 |
Molybdenite (*) | Molybdenite | MoS2 | 1900 | 1800 | 4 | 112591,112592,112594,112598 | 5800 |
Muscovite (*) | Mica Clay | KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 17380 |
Nickeline (*) | Nickeline | NiAs | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 633 |
Nisbite (*) | Löllingite | NiSb2 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 20 |
Oenite (*) | Löllingite | CoSbAs | 1830 | 1880 | 1 | 112598 | 1 |
Gersdorffite-Pa3 (*) | Pyrite | NiAsS | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 767 |
Parkerite (*) | None | Ni3(Bi,Pb)2S2 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112593,112598 | 55 |
Pavonite (*) | Pavonite | AgBi3S5 | 1900 | 1800 | 0 | 72 | |
Phlogopite (*) | Mica Clay | KMg3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112591 | 2273 |
Polybasite (*) | Polybasite | [Ag9CuS4][(Ag,Cu)6(Sb,As)2S7] | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 716 |
Pyrargyrite (*) | None | Ag3SbS3 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 1425 |
Pyrite (*) | Pyrite | FeS2 | 1878 | 1827 | 3 | 112591,112592,112594 | 39462 |
Pyroxmangite (*) | None | Mn2+SiO3 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 147 |
Pyrrhotite (*) | Nickeline | Fe7S8 | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112594,112598,112601 | 9056 |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112591,112595,112601 | 61156 |
Rutile (*) | Rutile | TiO2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 5614 |
Safflorite (*) | Löllingite | CoAs2 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 317 |
Scheelite (*) | Scheelite | Ca(WO4) | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112592 | 4894 |
Silver (*) | Copper | Ag | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112592,112593,112598 | 5186 |
Skutterudite (*) | Skutterudite Perovskite | CoAs3 | 1900 | 1800 | 0 | 531 | |
Sphalerite (*) | Sphalerite | ZnS | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112593,112594,112598 | 21482 |
Stannite (*) | Stannite Sphalerite | Cu2FeSnS4 | 1900 | 1800 | 0 | 668 | |
Stannoidite (*) | Stannoidite | Cu8(Fe,Zn)3Sn2S12 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112593,112598 | 80 |
Stephanite (*) | None | Ag5SbS4 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 586 |
Tellurium (*) | None | Te | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 190 |
Tellurobismuthite (*) | Tetradymite | Bi2Te3 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 276 |
Tetradymite (*) | Tetradymite | Bi2Te2S | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112592,112598 | 510 |
Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) | Tetrahedrite | Cu6(Cu4Zn2)Sb4S13 | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 5317 |
Tremolite (*) | Amphibole | Ca2(Mg5.0-4.5Fe2+0.0-0.5)Si8O22(OH)2 | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112592 | 2562 |
Troilite (*) | None | FeS | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 1044 |
Tsumoite (*) | Tetradymite | BiTe | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 100 |
Ullmannite (*) | Ullmannite | NiSbS | 1900 | 1800 | 2 | 112594,112598 | 293 |
Uraninite (*) | Fluorite | UO2 | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 2718 |
Westerveldite (*) | Modderite | FeAs | 1900 | 1800 | 1 | 112598 | 11 |
Willyamite (*) | Cobaltite | CoSbS | 1878 | 1827 | 1 | 112594 | 25 |
Wittichenite (*) | None | Cu3BiS3 | 1900 | 1800 | 3 | 112592,112593,112598 | 297 |
Age ID | Locality Notes |
Giersdorf_00000001 | Felsic Metatuffite Formation in the upper part of an Early Proterozoic Volcanosedimentary Sequence metamorphosed to the upper amphibolite facies. |
Giersdorf_00000002 | Felsic Metatuffite Formation in the upper part of an Early Proterozoic Volcanosedimentary Sequence metamorphosed to the upper amphibolite facies. (Mineralization occurs in a metatuffite formation in the upper part of an Early Proterozoic (1.9-1.8 Ga) volcano-sedimentary sequence metamorphosed to the upper amphibolite facies) |
Excel ID | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | Age as listed in reference | Dating Method | Age Interpret | Prioritized? | Sample Source | Sample Num | Run Num | Age from other Locality | Dated Mineral | Minerals explicitely stated as having this age | Age applies to these Elements | MinDat Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Location as listed in reference | Reference | Reference DOI | Reference ID | Age Notes | |
GFF120_315-00001 | 1878 | 1864 | 1871±7 | zircon | Zircon | 5796 | Tunaberg Cu-Co Ore Field, Tunaberg, Nyköping, Södermanland County, Sweden | Tunaberg | Lundström et al. (1998) | 10.1080/11035899809453225 | GFF120_315 | ||||||||||
GFF120_315-00002 | 1845 | 1827 | 1836±9 | zircon | Zircon | 5796 | Tunaberg Cu-Co Ore Field, Tunaberg, Nyköping, Södermanland County, Sweden | Tunaberg | Lundström et al. (1998) | 10.1080/11035899809453225 | GFF120_315 | ||||||||||
Giersdorf_00000001 | 1830 | 1880 | 1830-1880 | Volcanosedimentary formation age | Oenite | 5796 | Tunaberg Cu-Co Ore Field, Tunaberg, Nyköping, Södermanland County, Sweden | Tunaberg Cu-Co Sulfide Skarn | Dobbe and Zakrewski (1998) | CM36_855 | Felsic Metatuffite Formation in the upper portion of a Early Proterozoic volcanosedimantary metamorphic sequence | ||||||||||
Giersdorf_00000002 | 1900 | 1800 | 1800-1900 | Volcanosedimentary formation age | Kieftite | 5796 | Tunaberg Cu-Co Ore Field, Tunaberg, Nyköping, Södermanland County, Sweden | Tunaberg Cu-Co Sulfide Skarn | Dobbe et al. (1994) | CM32_179 | Felsic Metatuffite Formation in the upper portion of a Early Proterozoic volcanosedimantary metamorphic sequence (Mineralization occurs in a metatuffite formation in the upper part of an Early Proterozoic (1.9-1.8 Ga) volcano-sedimentary sequence metamorphosed to the upper amphibolite facies) |
Sample | Source Locality | Reference URL |
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