A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
| This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Alabandite (*) | Rocksalt | MnS | | | 1 | 216523 | 312 |
Albite (*) | Feldspar | Na(AlSi3O8) | | | 1 | 216480 | 8803 |
Anhydrite (*) | Not in a structural group | Ca(SO4) | | | 19 | 216406,216420,216422,216456,216457,216458,216461,216470,216471,216484,216485,216486,216487,216488,216503,216509,216510,216511,216525 | 1588 |
Ankerite (*) | None | Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2 | | | 1 | 216461 | 3092 |
Aragonite (*) | Aragonite | Ca(CO3) | | | 3 | 216420,216422,216525 | 3250 |
Arsenic (*) | Arsenic | As | | | 1 | 216525 | 379 |
Augite (*) | Pyroxene | (Ca,Mg,Fe)2Si2O6 | | | 2 | 216443,216480 | 2060 |
Azurite (*) | Not in a structural group | Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 | | | 1 | 216503 | 5509 |
Baryte (*) | Baryte | Ba(SO4) | | | 8 | 216412,216413,216424,216456,216457,216485,216503,216525 | 11547 |
Boracite (*) | Boracite | Mg3B7O13Cl | | | 5 | 216406,216461,216486,216487,216488 | 57 |
Calcite (*) | Calcite | Ca(CO3) | | | 22 | 216412,216420,216422,216432,216435,216437,216451,216456,216457,216458,216461,216470,216471,216484,216485,216486,216487,216503,216509,216510,216511,216525 | 27770 |
Celestine (*) | Baryte | Sr(SO4) | | | 5 | 216413,216422,216456,216470,216485 | 1252 |
Chalcocite (*) | None | Cu2S | | | 1 | 216525 | 5707 |
Chalcopyrite (*) | Chalcopyrite | CuFeS2 | | | 5 | 216456,216458,216487,216503,216525 | 27198 |
Chambersite (*) | Boracite | Mn3B7O13Cl | | | 3 | 216406,216486,216488 | 11 |
Chlorapatite (*) | Apatite | Ca5(PO4)3Cl | | | 1 | 216443 | 203 |
Chromite (*) | Spinel | Fe2+Cr2O4 | | | 2 | 216443,216480 | 3902 |
Cubanite (*) | Cubanite Wurtzite | CuFe2S3 | | | 1 | 216523 | 802 |
Danburite (*) | Danburite | CaB2Si2O8 | | | 1 | 216461 | 148 |
Daubréelite (*) | Spinel | FeCr2S4 | | | 1 | 216523 | 157 |
Diamond (*) | Diamond | C | | | 2 | 216414,216416 | 697 |
Diopside (*) | Pyroxene | CaMgSi2O6 | | | 1 | 216480 | 4135 |
Dolomite (*) | None | CaMg(CO3)2 | | | 10 | 216406,216422,216456,216457,216458,216461,216484,216487,216488,216525 | 9895 |
Enargite (*) | Enargite Wurtzite | Cu3AsS4 | | | 1 | 216525 | 910 |
Enstatite (*) | Pyroxene | Mg2Si2O6 | | | 2 | 216480,216523 | 944 |
Ericaite (*) | Boracite | Fe2+3B7O13Cl | | | 1 | 216488 | 7 |
Fluorite (*) | Fluorite | CaF2 | | | 1 | 216422 | 9617 |
Forsterite (*) | Olivine | Mg2(SiO4) | | | 1 | 216480 | 1188 |
Galena (*) | Rocksalt | PbS | | | 2 | 216503,216525 | 24243 |
Goethite (*) | Diaspore | FeO(OH) | | | 9 | 216415,216418,216435,216457,216458,216461,216484,216487,216525 | 7437 |
Graphite (*) | None | C | | | 1 | 216523 | 2812 |
Gypsum (*) | Gypsum | Ca(SO4)·2H2O | | | 16 | 216420,216422,216432,216456,216457,216461,216467,216471,216484,216485,216486,216503,216509,216510,216511,216525 | 6890 |
Halite (*) | Rocksalt | NaCl | | | 15 | 216420,216422,216456,216457,216458,216461,216470,216471,216485,216486,216488,216503,216509,216511,216525 | 1398 |
Hauerite (*) | Pyrite | MnS2 | | | 6 | 216456,216457,216458,216461,216484,216486 | 26 |
Hematite (*) | Corundum | Fe2O3 | | | 9 | 216435,216437,216439,216456,216457,216461,216487,216515,216525 | 14640 |
Hilgardite (*) | Hilgardite | Ca2B5O9Cl·H2O | | | 1 | 216461 | 13 |
Ilmenite (*) | Corundum | Fe2+Ti4+O3 | | | 2 | 216443,216456 | 5433 |
Iron (*) | Iron | Fe | | | 2 | 216443,216523 | 1089 |
Kaolinite (*) | Clay Kaolinite | Al2Si2O5(OH)4 | | | 2 | 216457,216487 | 5591 |
Magnesite (*) | Calcite | Mg(CO3) | | | 1 | 216461 | 1487 |
Marcasite (*) | Marcasite | FeS2 | | | 7 | 216412,216435,216456,216457,216458,216461,216525 | 5674 |
Merrillite (*) | Cerite | Ca9NaMg(PO4)7 | | | 1 | 216443 | 230 |
Oldhamite (*) | Rocksalt | CaS | | | 1 | 216523 | 58 |
Opal (*) | Amorphous | SiO2·nH2O | | | 3 | 216427,216482,216515 | 2994 |
Osbornite (*) | Rocksalt | TiN | | | 1 | 216523 | 20 |
Phlogopite (*) | Mica Clay | KMg3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 | | | 1 | 216486 | 2273 |
Pyrite (*) | Pyrite | FeS2 | | | 10 | 216432,216437,216439,216456,216457,216458,216461,216503,216515,216525 | 39462 |
Pyrrhotite (*) | Nickeline | Fe7S8 | | | 1 | 216525 | 9056 |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | | | 27 | 216402,216406,216411,216427,216436,216439,216440,216442,216446,216447,216448,216449,216452,216456,216457,216458,216461,216464,216474,216482,216487,216488,216490,216494,216506,216515,216525 | 61156 |
Realgar (*) | None | AsS | | | 1 | 216525 | 712 |
Schreibersite (*) | None | (Fe,Ni)3P | | | 1 | 216523 | 374 |
Siderite (*) | Calcite | Fe(CO3) | | | 5 | 216432,216435,216456,216458,216487 | 6417 |
Sphalerite (*) | Sphalerite | ZnS | | | 7 | 216430,216473,216486,216503,216517,216523,216525 | 21482 |
Strontianite (*) | Aragonite | Sr(CO3) | | | 1 | 216525 | 589 |
Sulphur (*) | Sulphur | S | | | 17 | 216420,216422,216451,216456,216457,216461,216470,216471,216484,216485,216486,216503,216505,216509,216510,216511,216525 | 2045 |
Sylvite (*) | Rocksalt | KCl | | | 4 | 216456,216457,216485,216488 | 275 |
Taenite (*) | None | (Ni,Fe) | | | 2 | 216443,216480 | 703 |
Tetrataenite (*) | None | FeNi | | | 1 | 216443 | 116 |
Troilite (*) | None | FeS | | | 3 | 216443,216480,216523 | 1044 |
Vivianite (*) | Vivianite | Fe2+3(PO4)2·8H2O | | | 2 | 216432,216524 | 636 |
All age data...
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