Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.

The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.

Locality Name:
Tono City, Iwate, Japan

mindat Locality ID: 188110
mindat URL: http://www.mindat.org/loc-188110.html

Tectonic Settings:

Total number of sublocalities beneath "Tono City, Iwate, Japan": 12
Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 11

Number of Child Localities: 7
Child Localities:
Doba Mine
Hokuryu Mine
Ohmine Mine (Omine Mine)
Okuzu Mine
Sen-nen Mine (Sennen Mine)

Latitude: 0°0'0"N
Longitude: 0°0'0"E
Decimal Degree (lat, lon): 0,0

AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
GThis mineral is directly dated.
BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

This Mineral list contains entries from this locality, including sub-localities. Minerals in bold are reported by mindat.org as occurring directly at this locality, and do not occur at any children (sublocalities) of this locality.

Elements at this locality, including sub-localities: Al Au C Ca Ce Cu F Fe H K Mg Mo Na Nb Ni O S Si Ta Th Ti U W Y Zn 

Elements from minerals reported directly at this locality: 

Structural Groups for minerals in this locality: 
CopperCorundumCubaniteEpidoteGarnetMicaMolybdeniteNickelineNoneNot in a structural group

37 IMA Minerals at location:
Allanite-(Ce)  (*)Almandine  (*)Andalusite  (*)Andradite  (*)Anthophyllite  (*)
Antigorite  (*)Bornite  (*)Calcite  (*)Chalcopyrite  (*)Chamosite  (*)
Chloritoid  (*)Cordierite  (*)Corundum  (*)Cubanite  (*)Diopside  (*)
Euxenite-(Y)  (*)Ferro-gedrite  (*)Forsterite  (*)Gold  (*)Graphite  (*)
Grossular  (*)Hedenbergite  (*)Mackinawite  (*)Magnetite  (*)Molybdenite  (*)
Muscovite  (*)Pyrite  (*)Pyrrhotite  (*)Quartz  (*)Scheelite  (*)
Sillimanite  (*)Sphalerite  (*)Spinel  (*)Talc  (*)Titanite  (*)
Vesuvianite  (*)Wollastonite  (*)
Mineral nameStructural GroupsIMA FormulaMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)# of Sublocalities containing mineralLOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids# of localities containing mineral
Allanite-(Ce)  (*)Allanite EpidoteCaCe(Al2Fe2+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)175291706
Almandine  (*)GarnetFe2+3Al2(SiO4)31752922353
Andalusite  (*)AndalusiteAl2SiO51752921310
Andradite  (*)GarnetCa3Fe3+2(SiO4)3275294,752971534
Anthophyllite  (*)Amphibole   Mg2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2175292718
Antigorite  (*)Serpentine ClayMg3Si2O5(OH)4175293708
Bornite  (*)NoneCu5FeS41752975516
Calcite  (*)CalciteCa(CO3)17529727770
Chalcopyrite  (*)ChalcopyriteCuFeS217529727198
Chamosite  (*)Chlorite Clay(Fe2+,Mg,Al,Fe3+)6(Si,Al)4O10(OH,O)8175292577
Chloritoid  (*)ChloritoidFe2+Al2O(SiO4)(OH)2175292376
Cordierite  (*)BerylMg2Al4Si5O181752921008
Corundum  (*)CorundumAl2O31752921797
Cubanite  (*)Cubanite WurtziteCuFe2S3175297802
Diopside  (*)PyroxeneCaMgSi2O6275294,752974135
Euxenite-(Y)  (*)ColumbiteY(NbTi)O6175296414
Ferro-gedrite  (*)Amphibole   Fe2+2(Fe2+3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)217529211
Forsterite  (*)OlivineMg2(SiO4)1752931188
Gold  (*)CopperAu375288,75297,7529830554
Graphite  (*)NoneC1752922812
Grossular  (*)GarnetCa3Al2(SiO4)31752971544
Hedenbergite  (*)PyroxeneCaFe2+Si2O6175297741
Mackinawite  (*)None(Fe,Ni)1+xS (x = 0-0.07)175297451
Magnetite  (*)SpinelFe2+Fe3+2O4275292,7529714899
Molybdenite  (*)MolybdeniteMoS21752895800
Muscovite  (*)Mica ClayKAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)217529217380
Pyrite  (*)PyriteFeS217529739462
Pyrrhotite  (*)NickelineFe7S81752979056
Quartz  (*)QuartzSiO2575288,75289,75296,75298,7529961156
Scheelite  (*)ScheeliteCa(WO4)275298,752994894
Sillimanite  (*)Not in a structural groupAl2SiO51752921516
Sphalerite  (*)SphaleriteZnS17529721482
Spinel  (*)SpinelMgAl2O41752921934
Talc  (*)Clay TalcMg3Si4O10(OH)21752933337
Titanite  (*)TitaniteCaTi(SiO4)O1752914899
Vesuvianite  (*)Vesuvianite(Ca,Na)19(Al,Mg,Fe)13(SiO4)10(Si2O7)4(OH,F,O)10275294,752971395
Wollastonite  (*)WollastoniteCaSiO31752971247

No ages have been assigned to this locality yet.

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All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org

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