Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.

The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.

Locality Name:
Genesee, Genesee Valley District (Genesee District), Plumas Copper Belt, Plumas Co., California, USA

mindat Locality ID: 209204
mindat URL: http://www.mindat.org/loc-209204.html

Tectonic Settings:

Total number of sublocalities beneath "Genesee, Genesee Valley District (Genesee District), Plumas Copper Belt, Plumas Co., California, USA": 30
Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 29

Number of Child Localities: 26
Child Localities:
Austrian Syndicate Mine
Blue Bell Occurrence (1)
Calnan Mine (Little Joe Mine; Little Joe Claim; Keystone Claim; Baltimore Claim; Gold Fish Claim; Mother Lode Claim)
Consolidated Gold And Metal Company Mine (Walker Consolidated Mine)
Copper King Prospect
Copper Mine (Bullion Mine; Copper Group)
Cosmopolitan Mine (Reward Mine)
Duncan Mine
Five Bears Mine (Brandt Mine; Centennial Mine)
Green Ledge & Mother Lode Mine
Gruss Mine (Genesee Mine; Genesee Valley Mine; Ward Mine)
Hinchman Mine (North Star Mine; Polar Mine)
Hosselkus Limestone Deposit
Hull Diggings
Indian Valley Prospect
Jura Nos. 1; 2; & 3 Placer Mine
Little Gem Occurrence
Lucky Strike Placer
Mother Lode Occurrence (Baltimore; Keystone)
Mountain Lion Occurrence
Native Son Mine
Pilot Mine (Borden Mine)
Polar Star Mine
Rossi And Maine Lodes Prospect
Unnamed Ti-Zr Occurrence (1)
Wheeler Peak

Latitude: 40°2'21"N
Longitude: 120°43'17"W
Decimal Degree (lat, lon): 40.039166666667,-120.72138888889

AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
GThis mineral is directly dated.
BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

This Mineral list contains entries from this locality, including sub-localities. Minerals in bold are reported by mindat.org as occurring directly at this locality, and do not occur at any children (sublocalities) of this locality.

Elements at this locality, including sub-localities: Ag Al Au C Ca Cu Fe H O S Sb Si 

Elements from minerals reported directly at this locality: 

Structural Groups for minerals in this locality: 
CalciteChalcopyriteClinozoisiteCopperEpidoteMalachiteNoneNot in a structural groupQuartzTetrahedrite

12 IMA Minerals at location:
Azurite  (*)Bornite  (*)Calcite  (*)Chalcocite  (*)Chalcopyrite  (*)
Copper  (*)Epidote  (*)Gold  (*)Malachite  (*)Quartz  (*)
Silver  (*)Tetrahedrite-(Zn)  (*)
Mineral nameStructural GroupsIMA FormulaMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)# of Sublocalities containing mineralLOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids# of localities containing mineral
Azurite  (*)Not in a structural groupCu3(CO3)2(OH)23168492,168495,1684995509
Bornite  (*)NoneCu5FeS48168489,168495,168498,168499,168500,168510,168515,1685165516
Calcite  (*)CalciteCa(CO3)116849927770
Chalcocite  (*)NoneCu2S3168498,168499,1685105707
Chalcopyrite  (*)ChalcopyriteCuFeS24168495,168499,168509,16851527198
Copper  (*)CopperCu11684993846
Epidote  (*)Epidote ClinozoisiteCa2(Al2Fe3+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)2168495,1684968173
Gold  (*)CopperAu5168489,168499,168504,168506,16851730554
Malachite  (*)MalachiteCu2(CO3)(OH)24168491,168492,168495,16849912537
Quartz  (*)QuartzSiO27168489,168491,168494,168498,168499,168509,16851061156
Silver  (*)CopperAg11684915186
Tetrahedrite-(Zn)  (*)TetrahedriteCu6(Cu4Zn2)Sb4S132168494,1684995317

No ages have been assigned to this locality yet.

SampleSource LocalityReference URL

All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org

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