A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
| This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Baryte (*) | Baryte | Ba(SO4) | | | 1 | 288262 | 11547 |
Calcite (*) | Calcite | Ca(CO3) | | | 40 | 288248,288249,288250,288251,288252,288253,288254,288255,288257,288258,288259,288261,288262,288263,288264,288265,288266,288267,288268,288269,288270,288271,288272,288273,288274,288275,288276,288277,288278,288279,288280,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285,288286,288287,288288,288289 | 27770 |
Cobaltite (*) | Cobaltite | CoAsS | | | 1 | 288273 | 966 |
Dolomite (*) | None | CaMg(CO3)2 | | | 40 | 288248,288249,288250,288251,288252,288253,288254,288255,288257,288258,288259,288261,288262,288263,288264,288265,288266,288267,288268,288269,288270,288271,288272,288273,288274,288275,288276,288277,288278,288279,288280,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285,288286,288287,288288,288289 | 9895 |
Erythrite (*) | Vivianite | Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O | | | 1 | 288273 | 814 |
Galena (*) | Rocksalt | PbS | | | 22 | 288250,288251,288253,288254,288257,288258,288261,288262,288263,288265,288267,288270,288272,288273,288274,288276,288279,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285 | 24243 |
Goethite (*) | Diaspore | FeO(OH) | | | 1 | 288263 | 7437 |
Honessite (*) | Woodwardite Hydrotalcite | (Ni1-xFe3+x)(SO4)x/2(OH)2·nH2O (x < 0.5, n < 3x/2) | | | 1 | 288263 | 25 |
Marcasite (*) | Marcasite | FeS2 | | | 24 | 288250,288251,288253,288254,288255,288257,288258,288261,288262,288263,288265,288267,288268,288270,288272,288273,288274,288276,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285,288289 | 5674 |
Millerite (*) | Millerite | NiS | | | 1 | 288263 | 1066 |
Pyrite (*) | Pyrite | FeS2 | | | 38 | 288248,288249,288250,288251,288252,288253,288254,288257,288259,288261,288262,288263,288264,288265,288266,288267,288268,288269,288270,288271,288272,288273,288274,288275,288276,288277,288278,288279,288280,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285,288286,288287,288288,288289 | 39462 |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | | | 38 | 288248,288249,288250,288251,288252,288253,288254,288257,288259,288261,288262,288263,288264,288265,288266,288267,288268,288269,288270,288271,288272,288273,288274,288275,288276,288277,288278,288279,288280,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285,288286,288287,288288,288289 | 61156 |
Smithsonite (*) | Calcite | Zn(CO3) | | | 15 | 288253,288254,288258,288262,288268,288269,288271,288272,288277,288279,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285 | 2473 |
Sphalerite (*) | Sphalerite | ZnS | | | 40 | 288248,288249,288250,288251,288252,288253,288254,288255,288257,288258,288259,288261,288262,288263,288264,288265,288266,288267,288268,288269,288270,288271,288272,288273,288274,288275,288276,288277,288278,288279,288280,288281,288282,288283,288284,288285,288286,288287,288288,288289 | 21482 |
Violarite (*) | Spinel | FeNi2S4 | | | 1 | 288263 | 380 |
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