A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Aphthitalite | Aragonite | Baryte | Blödite | Boracite | Calcite | Carnallite | Clay | Fluorite | Gypsum |
Hilgardite | Kieserite | Langbeinite | Mica | None | Not in a structural group | Picromerite | Rocksalt | Rutile | Syngenite |
Veatchite |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Anhydrite (*) | Not in a structural group | Ca(SO4) | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 1588 |
Aphthitalite (*) | Aphthitalite | K3Na(SO4)2 | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77204 | 77 |
Aragonite (*) | Aragonite | Ca(CO3) | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 3250 |
Bischofite (*) | None | MgCl2·6H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 42 |
Blödite (*) | Blödite | Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 130 |
Boracite (*) | Boracite | Mg3B7O13Cl | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 57 |
Borax (*) | None | Na2B4O5(OH)4·8H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 76 |
Calcite (*) | Calcite | Ca(CO3) | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 27770 |
Carnallite (*) | Carnallite | KMgCl3·6H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 132 |
Celestine (*) | Baryte | Sr(SO4) | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 1252 |
Colemanite (*) | None | CaB3O4(OH)3·H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77202 | 144 |
Dolomite (*) | None | CaMg(CO3)2 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 9895 |
Fluorite (*) | Fluorite | CaF2 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 9617 |
Ginorite (*) | None | Ca2B14O20(OH)6·5H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 11 |
Glauberite (*) | None | Na2Ca(SO4)2 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 137 |
Görgeyite (*) | None | K2Ca5(SO4)6·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 11 |
Gypsum (*) | Gypsum | Ca(SO4)·2H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77203 | 6890 |
Halite (*) | Rocksalt | NaCl | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 1398 |
Hilgardite (*) | Hilgardite | Ca2B5O9Cl·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 13 |
Hungchaoite (*) | None | MgB4O5(OH)4·7H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 6 |
Hydroboracite (*) | None | CaMg[B3O4(OH)3]2·3H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77207 | 42 |
Inderborite (*) | None | CaMg[B3O3(OH)5]2·6H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77202 | 4 |
Inderite (*) | None | MgB3O3(OH)5·5H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77207 | 13 |
Inyoite (*) | None | CaB3O3(OH)5·4H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77202 | 34 |
Kainite (*) | None | KMg(SO4)Cl·2.75H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 50 |
Kaliborite (*) | None | KHMg2B12O16(OH)10·4H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 8 |
Kieserite (*) | Kieserite | Mg(SO4)·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 80 |
Kurgantaite (*) | Hilgardite | CaSrB5O9Cl·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77205 | 6 |
Kurnakovite (*) | None | MgB3O3(OH)5·5H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77203 | 15 |
Langbeinite (*) | Langbeinite | K2Mg2(SO4)3 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 43 |
Leonite (*) | None | K2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 24 |
Löweite (*) | None | Na12Mg7(SO4)13·15H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 28 |
Mcallisterite (*) | None | Mg2[B6O7(OH)6]2·9H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 9 |
Mirabilite (*) | None | Na2(SO4)·10H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 223 |
Muscovite (*) | Mica Clay | KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77207 | 17380 |
Picromerite (*) | Picromerite | K2Mg(SO4)2·6H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 44 |
Pinnoite (*) | None | MgB2O(OH)6 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 13 |
Polyhalite (*) | None | K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4·2H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 102 |
Preobrazhenskite (*) | None | Mg3B11O15(OH)9 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 2 |
Priceite (*) | None | Ca2B5O7(OH)5·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 33 |
Sellaite (*) | Rutile | MgF2 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 46 |
Sulfoborite (*) | None | Mg3[B(OH)4]2(SO4)(OH,F)2 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 10 |
Sylvite (*) | Rocksalt | KCl | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 275 |
Syngenite (*) | Syngenite | K2Ca(SO4)2·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 44 |
Szaibélyite (*) | None | MgBO2(OH) | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77203 | 87 |
Tatarskite (*) | None | Ca6Mg2(SO4)2(CO3)2(OH)4Cl4·7H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 2 |
Thénardite (*) | None | Na2(SO4) | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 299 |
Tyretskite (*) | Hilgardite | Ca2B5O9(OH)·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 3 |
Ulexite (*) | None | NaCaB5O6(OH)6·5H2O | 290 | 248 | 2 | 77201,77202 | 160 |
Vanthoffite (*) | None | Na6Mg(SO4)4 | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 16 |
Veatchite (*) | Veatchite | Sr2B11O16(OH)5·H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 12 |
Volkovskite (*) | None | KCa4B22O32(OH)10Cl·4H2O | 290 | 248 | 1 | 77201 | 9 |
Age ID | Locality Notes |
Michelle_386 | Inder Boron Deposit is formed by marine evaporation. Boron is accumulated with the gypsum and clay that form the caprock of the salt dome. |
Excel ID | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | Age as listed in reference | Dating Method | Age Interpret | Prioritized? | Sample Source | Sample Num | Run Num | Age from other Locality | Dated Mineral | Minerals explicitely stated as having this age | Age applies to these Elements | MinDat Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Location as listed in reference | Reference | Reference DOI | Reference ID | Age Notes | |
Michelle_386 | 290 | 248 | Permian | Age of salt deposit | 2217 | Inder B Deposit And Salt Dome, Inder, Atyrau Region, Kazakhstan | Inder Boron Deposit | Pekov and Abramov (1993) | WOS1_23 | Age of salt deposit |
Sample | Source Locality | Reference URL |
R060578 | Inder B Deposit And Salt Dome, Inder, Atyrau Region, Kazakhstan | https://rruff.info/R060578 |
R060352 | Inder B Deposit And Salt Dome, Inder, Atyrau Region, Kazakhstan | https://rruff.info/R060352 |
R090040 | Inder B Deposit And Salt Dome, Inder, Atyrau Region, Kazakhstan | https://rruff.info/R090040 |
All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org
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