A This mineral is Anthropogenic. G This mineral is directly dated. B This mineral is reported as having this age. Y This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. O This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. R The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. P The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.
Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 245 235 1 119776 2162 Anglesite (*) Baryte Pb(SO4 ) 245 235 1 119782 2734 Annabergite (*) Vivianite Ni3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 402 235 2 119748 ,119757 445 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 402 235 9 119745 ,119746 ,119748 ,119751 ,119754 ,119757 ,119758 ,119759 ,119765 9052 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 402 235 4 119740 ,119748 ,119755 ,119756 5509 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 245 235 4 119745 ,119757 ,119758 ,119763 11547 Bismuth (*) Arsenic Bi 402 235 4 119746 ,119748 ,119752 ,119757 1966 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 402 235 4 119746 ,119748 ,119752 ,119757 1935 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 245 235 8 119745 ,119747 ,119753 ,119754 ,119756 ,119757 ,119759 ,119765 5516 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 245 235 1 119757 1633 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 402 235 3 119746 ,119748 ,119782 27770 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 245 235 1 119782 4979 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 245 235 4 119740 ,119745 ,119756 ,119765 5707 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 402 235 12 119740 ,119745 ,119746 ,119748 ,119751 ,119753 ,119754 ,119757 ,119759 ,119760 ,119765 ,119787 27198 Chamosite (*) Chlorite Clay (Fe2+ ,Mg,Al,Fe3+ )6 (Si,Al)4 O10 (OH,O)8 245 235 1 119746 577 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 402 235 3 119748 ,119756 ,119782 3531 Cobaltite (*) Cobaltite CoAsS 402 235 3 119748 ,119757 ,119765 966 Cosalite (*) None Pb2 Bi2 S5 245 235 1 119746 344 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 245 235 3 119753 ,119756 ,119765 4165 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 402 235 2 119748 ,119758 2970 Digenite (*) Digenite Cu1.8 S 245 235 1 119765 1027 Djurleite (*) None Cu31 S16 245 235 1 119765 300 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 402 235 4 119746 ,119748 ,119757 ,119787 9895 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 245 235 1 119775 8173 Erythrite (*) Vivianite Co3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 402 235 2 119748 ,119750 814 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 245 235 1 119784 9617 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 402 235 7 119746 ,119748 ,119754 ,119758 ,119763 ,119781 ,119782 24243 Glaucodot (*) Arsenopyrite (Co0.5 Fe0.5 )AsS 245 235 1 119757 131 Gold (*) Copper Au 245 235 2 119757 ,119765 30554 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 245 235 1 119757 6890 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 245 235 6 119752 ,119765 ,119770 ,119771 ,119777 ,119784 14640 Laitakarite (*) Tetradymite Bi4 (Se,S)3 245 235 1 119746 30 Langite (*) None Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·2H2 O 245 235 1 119757 593 Linarite (*) Linarite CuPb(SO4 )(OH)2 402 390 1 119744 987 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 402 235 3 119746 ,119748 ,119752 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 402 235 9 119740 ,119748 ,119753 ,119755 ,119756 ,119757 ,119758 ,119765 ,119782 12537 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 402 235 2 119746 ,119748 5674 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 402 390 1 119748 17380 Nickeline (*) Nickeline NiAs 402 235 2 119748 ,119757 633 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 245 235 1 119767 2994 Gersdorffite-Pa3 (*) Pyrite NiAsS 402 390 1 119748 767 Posnjakite (*) None Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·H2 O 245 235 1 119757 309 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 402 235 4 119746 ,119748 ,119757 ,119765 39462 Pyromorphite (*) Apatite Pb5 (PO4 )3 Cl 245 235 1 119782 1725 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 402 235 3 119746 ,119748 ,119757 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 245 235 2 119765 ,119784 61156 Rammelsbergite (*) Löllingite NiAs2 402 390 1 119748 233 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 245 235 1 119773 5614 Safflorite (*) Löllingite CoAs2 402 390 1 119748 317 Saponite (*) Clay Smectite-vermiculite (Ca,Na)0.3 (Mg,Fe)3 (Si,Al)4 O10 (OH)2 ·4H2 O 402 390 1 119748 301 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 245 235 1 119765 6417 Skutterudite (*) Skutterudite Perovskite CoAs3 402 235 3 119748 ,119757 531 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 402 235 6 119746 ,119748 ,119751 ,119753 ,119754 ,119758 21482 Stilpnomelane (*) Stilpnomelane Clay (K,Ca,Na)(Fe,Mg,Al)8 (Si,Al)12 (O,OH)36 ·nH2 O 245 235 1 119746 456 Tennantite-(Fe) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Fe2 )As4 S13 245 235 3 119745 ,119753 ,119757 1803 Tenorite (*) None CuO 245 235 1 119746 1101 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 245 235 2 119757 ,119758 5317 Wittichenite (*) None Cu3 BiS3 245 235 1 119765 297
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit JGS171_49_001 245 235 245-235 paleomag age of hematite deposit Yes Hematite 25832 Cumbria, England, UK Cumbria Crowley et al. (2014) JGS171_49 Edit Kristen000242 392 392 K-Ar high illite C1 4747 Coniston Copper Mines, Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England, UK Coniston Copper Mine Ineson and Mitchell (1974) 10.1017/S0016756800041571 GM111_521 Edit Kristen000243 367 367 K-Ar illite C2 4747 Coniston Copper Mines, Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England, UK Coniston Copper Mine Ineson and Mitchell (1974) 10.1017/S0016756800041571 GM111_521 Edit Kristen000244 402 402 K-Ar high illite C3 4747 Coniston Copper Mines, Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England, UK Coniston Copper Mine Ineson and Mitchell (1974) 10.1017/S0016756800041571 GM111_521 Edit Kristen000245 390 390 K-Ar high illite C4 4747 Coniston Copper Mines, Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England, UK Coniston Copper Mine Ineson and Mitchell (1974) 10.1017/S0016756800041571 GM111_521 Edit Kristen000246 389 389 K-Ar illite C5 4747 Coniston Copper Mines, Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England, UK Coniston Copper Mine Ineson and Mitchell (1974) 10.1017/S0016756800041571 GM111_521
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