{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 Diaoyudaoite\par Diffraction data computed using the structure from the paper listed below,\par along with the cell parameters refined from the single crystal data of R050182\par Felsche J\par Naturwissenschaften 54 (1967) 612-613\par Zur kristallstruktur von beta-aluminiumoxid\par Note: x,y coordinates of O3 altered to produce a more reasonable structure\par Locality: synthetic\par \par CELL PARAMETERS: 5.5962 5.5962 22.5260 90.000 90.000 120.000\par SPACE GROUP: P6_3/mmc \par \par ATOM X Y Z OCCUPANCY ISO(B)\par Na 0.66667 0.33333 0.25000 1.000 1.500\par Al 0.16667 0.33333 0.60601 1.000 0.600\par Al 0.33333 0.66667 0.02480 1.000 0.600\par Al 0.33333 0.66667 0.17580 1.000 0.600\par Al 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.000 0.600\par O 0.16667 0.33333 0.04950 1.000 1.000\par O 0.50000 0.00000 0.14630 1.000 1.000\par O 0.33333 0.66667 0.55400 1.000 1.000\par O 0.00000 0.00000 0.14210 1.000 1.000\par O 0.33333 0.66667 0.25000 1.000 1.000\par \par X-RAY WAVELENGTH: 1.541838\par BOUNDS ON TWO THETA: 5.0 90.0\par LIMITS IMPOSED ON THE INDICES ARE: +/- 4 +/- 4 +/- 20\par MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2: 27.86518819 \par The INTENSITY cut off value is 1.00\par \par 2-THETA INTENSITY D-SPACING H K L\par 7.85 100.00 11.2630 0 0 2\par 15.74 23.68 5.6315 0 0 4\par 18.31 1.22 4.8465 1 0 0\par 18.73 1.12 4.7380 1 0 1\par 19.94 10.27 4.4518 1 0 2\par 21.83 2.46 4.0719 1 0 3\par 24.23 2.78 3.6734 1 0 4\par 31.78 1.91 2.8157 0 0 8\par 31.99 9.60 2.7981 1 1 0\par 33.42 23.88 2.6808 1 0 7\par 35.84 17.79 2.5058 1 1 4\par 36.92 1.66 2.4347 1 0 8\par 37.10 1.69 2.4232 2 0 0\par 37.32 7.36 2.4093 2 0 1\par 37.98 3.40 2.3690 2 0 2\par 39.06 2.41 2.3061 2 0 3\par 40.03 1.18 2.2526 0 0 10\par 40.19 6.31 2.2435 1 1 6\par 40.53 2.52 2.2259 2 0 4\par 42.35 10.94 2.1341 2 0 5\par 44.34 2.54 2.0427 1 0 10\par 44.50 12.60 2.0360 2 0 6\par 46.94 6.51 1.9358 2 0 7\par 49.63 2.36 1.8367 2 0 8\par 50.48 1.27 1.8080 2 1 2\par 55.71 1.57 1.6499 2 0 10\par 57.01 1.48 1.6155 3 0 0\par 57.26 1.13 1.6090 0 0 14\par 57.93 8.74 1.5919 2 1 7\par 59.06 6.85 1.5641 2 0 11\par 59.28 1.65 1.5589 1 1 12\par 59.53 3.38 1.5529 3 0 4\par 62.60 1.78 1.4839 3 0 6\par 65.70 1.29 1.4212 2 1 10\par 66.32 8.15 1.4095 2 0 13\par 66.88 17.67 1.3990 2 2 0\par 67.46 1.40 1.3884 2 2 2\par 69.19 1.45 1.3578 2 2 4\par 70.22 7.88 1.3404 2 0 14\par 76.86 3.38 1.2403 3 1 7\par 83.92 1.01 1.1531 4 0 6\par ================================================================================\par XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs\par For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.\par \par }