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Mineral contains: Acanthite   

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Bindi L, Pingitore N E (2013) On the symmetry and crystal structure of aguilarite, Ag4SeS. Mineralogical Magazine 77, 21-31

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Cava R J, Reidinger F, Wuensch B J (1980) Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of the fast-ion conductor β-Ag2S between 186 and 325°C. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 31, 69-80

Dana J D, Brush G J (1868) Acanthite. in A System of Mineralogy, Fifth Edition, John Wiley and Sons (New York) 51-52

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Frueh A J (1957) The crystal structure, polymorphism and twinning of acanthite (Ag2S). Acta Crystallographica 10, 764-764

Frueh A J (1958) The crystallography of silver sulfide, Ag2S. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 110, 136-144

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Kenngott A (1855) Ueber den Akanthit, eine neue Species in dem Geschlechte der Silber-Glanze. Annalen der Physik und Chemie 95, 462-464

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Ondruš P, Veselovský F, Gabašová A, Hloušek J, Šrein V, Vavrín I, Skála R, Sejkora J, Drábek M (2003) Primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48, 19-147

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Petruk W, Owens D R, Stewart J M, Murray E J (1974) Observations on acanthite, aguilarite and naumannite. The Canadian Mineralogist 12, 365-369

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Pingitore N E, Ponce B F, Eastman M P, Moreno F, Podpora C (1992) Solid solutions in the system Ag2S-Ag2Se. Journal of Material Research 7, 2219-2224

Pingitore N E, Ponce B F, Estrada L, Eastman M P, Yuan H L, Porter L C, Estrada G (1993) Calorimetric analysis of the system Ag2S-Ag2Se between 25 and 250 °C. Journal of Material Research 8, 3126-3130

Sadanaga R, Sueno S (1967) X-ray study on the α-β transition of Ag2S. Mineralogical Journal 5, 124-148

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Santamaría-Pérez D, Marqués M, Chuliá-Jordán R, Menendez J M, Gomis O, Ruiz-Fuertes J, Sans J A, Errandonea D, Recio J M (2012) Compression of silver sulfide: X-ray diffraction measurements and total-energy calculations. Inorganic Chemistry 51, 5289-5298

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