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We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.
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Mineral contains: Antimony   

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Černý P, Harris D C (1973) Tapiolite, stibiotantalite, and antimonian microlite from the Odd West pegmatite, southeastern Manitoba. The Canadian Mineralogist 12, 76-78

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Aoki K, Fujiwara S, Kusakabe M (1983) New phase transition into the bcc structure in antimony at high pressure. Solid State Communications 45, 161-163

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Barrett C S, Cucka P, Haefner K (1963) The crystal structure of antimony at 4.2, 78 and 298 °K. Acta Crystallographica 16, 451-453

Biagioni C, Moëlo Y, Orlandi P, Stanley C J (2016) Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XVII. Meerschautite, (Ag,Cu)5.5Pb42.4(Sb,As)45.1S112O0.8, a new expanded derivative of owyheeite from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: occurrence and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine 80, 675-690

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Degtyareva O (2010) Crystal structure of simple metals at high pressures. High Pressure Research 30, 343-371

Gait R I, Harris D C (1972) Hauchecornite — antimonian, arsenian and tellurian varieties. The Canadian Mineralogist 11, 819-825

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Hattori K H, Arai S, Clarke D B (2002) Selenium, tellurium, arsenic and antimony contents of primary mantle sulfides. The Canadian Mineralogist 40, 637-650

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Leverett P, Reynolds J K, Roper A J, Williams P A (2012) Tripuhyite and schafarzikite: two of the ultimate sinks for antimony in the natural environment. Mineralogical Magazine 76, 891-902

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McMahon M I, Degatyareva O, Nelmes R J (2000) Ba-IV-type incommensurate crystal structure in group-V metals. Physical Review Letters 85, 4896-4899

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Mills S J, Etschmann B, Kampf A R, Poirier G, Newville M (2014) Sb5+ and Sb3+ substitution in segnitite: A new sink for As and Sb in the environment and implications for acid mine drainage. American Mineralogist 99, 1355-1359

Ondruš P, Veselovský F, Gabašová A, Hloušek J, Šrein V, Vavrín I, Skála R, Sejkora J, Drábek M (2003) Primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48, 19-147

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Schiferl D, Barrett C S (1969) The crystal structure of arsenic at 4.2, 78 and 299 K. Journal of Applied Crystallography 2, 30-36

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Swab A (1748) Berattelse om en nativ regulus antimonii, eller spets glas-kung. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 9, 99-106

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Ventruti G, Stasi F, Pinto D, Vurro F, Renna M (2012) The plumose boulangerite from Bottino, Apuan Alps, Italy: Crystal structure, OD character and twinning. The Canadian Mineralogist 50, 181-199

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