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Mineral contains: Arsenopyrite   

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Arne D C, Bierlein F P, Morgan J W, Stein H J (2001) Re-Os dating of sulfides associated with gold mineralization in central Victoria, Australia. Economic Geology 96, 1455-1459

Bindi L, Moëlo Y, Léone P, Suchaud M (2012) Stoichiometric arsenopyrite, FeAsS, from La Roche-Balue Quarry, Loire-Atlantique, France: Crystal structure and Mössbauer study. The Canadian Mineralogist 50, 471-479

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Brostigen G, Kjekshus A, Rømming C (1973) Compounds with the marcasite type crystal structure. VIII. Redetermination of the prototype. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 27, 2791-2796

Buerger M J (1936) The symmetry and crystal structure of the minerals of the arsenopyrite group. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 95, 83-113

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Cabri L J, Newville M, Gordon R A, Crozier E D, Sutton S R, McMahon G, Jiang D T (2000) Chemical speciation of gold in arsenopyrite. The Canadian Mineralogist 38, 1265-1281

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Choi S G, Youm S J (2000) Compositional variation of arsenopyrite and fluid evolution at the Ulsan deposit, southeastern Korea: a low-sulfidation porphyry system. The Canadian Mineralogist 38, 567-583

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Flemming R L, Salzsauler K A, Sherriff B L, Sidenko N V (2005) Identification of scorodite in fine-grained, high-sulfide, arsenopyrite mine-waste using micro X-ray diffraction (µXRD). The Canadian Mineralogist 43, 1243-1254

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Fuess H, Kratz T, Töpel-Schadt J, Miehe G (1987) Crystal structure refinement and electron microscopy of arsenopyrite. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 179, 335-346

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Glocker E F (1847) Ordo VI. Pyritae. Pyrite. III. Pyritae arsenopyritoidei. 10. Arsenopyrites.. in Generum et Specierum Mineralium, Secundum Ordines Naturales Digestorum Synopsis, Apud Eduardum Anton 34-43

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Hazarika P, Mishra B, Pruseth K L (2017) Trace-element geochemistry of pyrite and arsenopyrite: Ore genetic implications for late Archean orogenic gold deposits in southern India. Mineralogical Magazine 81, 661-678

Hem S R, Makovicky E (2004) The system Fe-Co-Ni-As-S. II. Phase relations at in the (Fe,Co,Ni)As1.5S0.5 section at 650° and 500°C. The Canadian Mineralogist 42, 63-86

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Hem S R, Makovicky E, Gervilla F (2001) Compositional trends in Fe, Co, and Ni sulfarsenides and their crystal-chemical implications: results from the Arroyo de la Cueva deposits, Ronda peridotite, southern Spain. The Canadian Mineralogist 39, 831-853

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Hutton C O (1950) Studies of heavy detrital minerals. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 61, 635-710

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International Mineralogical Association (1962) International Mineralogical Association: Commission on new minerals and mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine 33, 260-263

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International Mineralogical Association (1980) International Mineralogical Association: Commission on new minerals and mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine 43, 1053-1055

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Kharbish S, Andráš P (2014) Investigations of the Fe sulfosalts berthierite, garavellite, arsenopyrite, and gudmundite by Raman spectroscopy. Mineralogical Magazine 78, issue 5, 1287-1299

Kretschmar U, Scott S D (1976) Phase relations involving arsenopyrite in the system Fe-As-S and their application. The Canadian Mineralogist 14, 364-386

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Lentz D R (2002) Sphalerite and arsenopyrite at the Brunswick No. 12 massive-sulfide deposit, Bathurst Camp, New Brunswick: constraints on P-T evolution. The Canadian Mineralogist 40, 19-31

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Li Y, He Q, Chen J, Zhao C (2015) Electronic and chemical structures of pyrite and arsenopyrite. Mineralogical Magazine 79, 1779-1789

Lynch G, Mengel F (1995) Metamorphism of arsenopyrite-pyrite-sphalerite-pyrrhotite lenses, western Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. The Canadian Mineralogist 33, 105-114

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Nickel E H (1968) Structural stability of minerals with the pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite and löllingite structures. The Canadian Mineralogist 9, 311-321

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Nickel E H (1969) The application of ligand-field concepts to an understanding of the structural stabilities and solid-solution limits of sulphides and related minerals. Chemical Geology 5, 233-241

Ondruš P, Veselovský F, Gabašová A, Hloušek J, Šrein V, Vavrín I, Skála R, Sejkora J, Drábek M (2003) Primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48, 19-147

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Petruk W, Harris D C, Stewart J M (1971) Characteristics of the arsenides, sulpharsenides, and antimonides. The Canadian Mineralogist 11, 150-186

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Richardson S, Vaughan D J (1989) Arsenopyrite: a spectroscopic investigation of altered surfaces. Mineralogical Magazine 53, 223-229

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Sharp Z D, Essene E J, Kelly W C (1985) A re-examination of the arenopyrite geothermometer: pressure considerations and applications to natural assemblages. The Canadian Mineralogist 23, 517-534

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Tomkins A G, Frost B R, Pattison D R M (2006) Arsenopyrite melting during metamorphism of sulfide ore deposits. The Canadian Mineralogist 44, 1045-1062

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Tossell J A, Vaughan D J, Burdett J K (1981) Pyrite, marcasite, and arsenopyrite type minerals: Crystal chemical and structural principles. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 7, 177-184

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