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Mineral contains: Bykovaite   

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Khomyakov A P, Menshikov Y P, Ferraris G, Nemet P, Nechelyustov G N, (2005) Bykovaite, BaNa{(Na,Ti)4[(Ti,Nb)2(OH,O)3Si4O14](OH,F)2}·3H2O - the new heterophyllosilicate from Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia). Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva 134, issue 5, 40-48

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Nèmeth P, Khomyakov A P, Ferraris G, Menshikov Y P (2009) Nechelyustovite, a new heterophyllosilicate mineral, and new data on bykovaite: a comparative TEM study. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, 251-260

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Pekov I V (2007) New minerals from former Soviet Union countries, 1998-2006: new minerals approved by the IMA commission on new minerals and mineral names. Mineralogical Almanac 11, 9-51

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Piilonen P C, Rowe R, Ercit T S, Locock A J (2006) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 91, 1452-1457

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