We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.Report a new mineral description or crystal structure reference.
Mineral contains: Calcite
Antao S M, Hassan I (2010) Temperature dependence of the structural parameters in the transformation of aragonite to calcite, as determined from in situ synchrotron powder X-ray-diffraction data. The Canadian Mineralogist 48, 1225-1236
Böggild O B (1906) On some minerals. Meddelelser om Grønland 33, 97-362
Balan E, Aufort J, Pouillé S, Dabos M, Blanchard M, Lazzeri M, Rollion-Bard C, Blamart D (2017) Infrared spectroscopic study of sulfate-bearing calcite from deep-sea bamboo coral. European Journal of Mineralogy 29, 397-408
Balan E, Aufort J, Saldi G D, Brouder C, Lazzeri M (2019) Line-broadening and anharmonic effects in the attenuated total reflectance infrared spectra of calcite. European Journal of Mineralogy 31, 73-81
Banaru D A, Banaru A M, Aksenov S M (2022) Structural complexity of polymorphs of calcium carbonate and its crystalline hydrates. Journal of Structural Chemistry 63, 1291-1303
Borodin V L, Liutin V I, Iliukhin V V (1979) Calcite - otavite isomorphous series. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 245, 1099-1101
Buzgar N, Apopei A I (2009) The Raman study of certain carbonates. Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii, Al. I. Cuza Iasi Geologie 55, 97-112
Carlson E T, Berman H A (1960) Some observations on the calcium aluminate carbonate hydrates. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chemistry 64A, 333-341
Catalli K, Williams Q (2005) A high-pressure phase transition of calcite-III. American Mineralogist 90, 1679-1682
Chernosky J V, Berman R G (1991) Experimental reversal of the equilibrium andalusite + calcite + quartz = anorthite + CO2. The Canadian Mineralogist 29, 791-802
Cloots R (1991) Raman spectrum of carbonates MIICO3 in the 1100-1000 cm-1 region: observation of the v1 mode of the isotopic (C16O218O)2- ion. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 47, 1745-1750
Corlett M I, McIlreath I A (1974) An authigenic quartz-calcite-rutile assemblage in ordovician limestones. The Canadian Mineralogist 12, 411-416
D'Avela C, Bao J, Croxen F W, Downs R T, Fickett S, Rodrigues H, Rothstein D, Thompson J J (2016) Preliminary method to determine CO2 sequestration in cementitious units. The Masonry Society 34, 19-28
Effenberger H, Mereiter K, Zemann J (1981) Crystal structure refinements of magnesite, calcite, rhodochrosite, siderite, smithonite, and dolomite, with discussion of some aspects of the stereochemistry of calcite type carbonates. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 156, 233-243
Farsang S, Facq S, Redfern S A T (2018) Raman modes of carbonate minerals as pressure and temperature gauges up to 6 GPa and 500 °C. American Mineralogist 103, 1988-1998
Freiesleben J C (1836) Calcit. Magazin für die Oryktographie von Sachsen 7, 118-121
Fruhner C J, Bayarjargal L, Schrodt N, Luchitskaia R, Morgenroth W, Winkler B (2018) Pressure-induced phase transition from calcite to aragonite detected by fluorescence spectroscopy. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 711-720
Gabrielli C, Jaouhari R, Joiret S, Maurin G (2000) In situ Raman spectroscopy applied to electrochemical scaling. Determination of the structure of vaterite. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 31, 497-501
Gaft M, Nagli L (2009) Gated Raman spectroscopy: potential for fundamental and applied mineralogy. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, 33-42
Giebel R J, Gauert C D K, Marks M A W, Costin G, Markl G (2017) Multi-stage formation of REE minerals in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. American Mineralogist 102, 1218-1233
Gillet P, McMillan P, Schott J, Badro J, Grzechnik A (1996) Thermodynamic properties and isotopic fractionation of calcite from vibrational spectroscopy of 18O-substituted calcite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60, 3471-3485
Glass B P, Fries M (2008) Micro-Raman spectroscopic study of fine-grained, shock-metamorphosed rock fragments from the Australasian microtektite layer. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, 1487-1496
Goldsmith J R, Graf D L (1958) Relation between lattice constants and compositions of the Ca-Mg carbonates. American Mineralogist 43, 84-101
Graf D L (1961) Crystallographic tables for the rhombohedral carbonates. American Mineralogist 46, 1283-1316
Gunasekaran S, Anbalagan G, Pandi S (2006) Raman and infrared spectra of carbonates of calcite structure. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 37, 892-899
Gunter W D, Perkins E H (1991) Use of calcite as a CO2 geobarometer for estimation of reservoir pressures in thermally assisted oil recovery. The Canadian Mineralogist 29, 755-765
Haberle C W, Garvie L A J (2017) Extraterrestrial formation of oldhamite and portlandite through thermal metamorphism of calcite in the Sutter's Mill carbonaceous chondrite. American Mineralogist 102, 2415-2421
Hamilton V E, McSween H Y, Hapke B (2005) Mineralogy of Martian atmospheric dust inferred from thermal infrared spectra of aerosols. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, E12006
Kontak D J, Jackson S (1995) Laser-ablation ICP-MS micro-analysis of calcite cement from a Mississippi-Valley-type Zn-Pb deposit, Nova Scotia: dramatic variability in REE content on macro- and micro-scales. The Canadian Mineralogist 33, 445-467
Kontoyannis C G, Nikos V V (2000) Calcium carbonate phase analysis using XRD and FT-Raman. Analyst 125, 251-255
Kontoyannis C G, Orkoula M G, Koutsoukos P G (1997) Quantitative analysis of sulfated calcium carbonates using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. Analyst 122, 33-38
Liu C, Han K, Wang D (2022) A in situ decarbonation kinetic study of calcite using synchrotron radiation XRD. The Canadian Mineralogist 60, 687-698
Liu J, Caracas R, Fan D, Bobocioiu E, Zhang D, Mao W L (2016) High-pressure compressibility and vibrational properties of (Ca,Mn)CO3. American Mineralogist 101, 2723-2730
Liu L, Lv C, Zhuang C, Yi L, Liu H, Du J (2016) Effects of differential stress on the structure and Raman spectra of calcite from first-principles calculations. American Mineralogist 101, 1892-1897
Liu X, Lu X, Liu X, Zhou H (2015) Atomistic simulation on mixing thermodynamics of calcite-smithsonite solid solutions. American Mineralogist 100, 172-180
Markl G, Keim M F, Bayerl R (2019) Unusual mineral diversity in hydrothermal vein-type deposit: The Clara mine, SW Germany, as a type example. The Canadian Mineralogist 57, 427-456
Mason R A (1997) The influence of heating on cathodoluminescence emission from natural calcite. The Canadian Mineralogist 35, 723-733
Merlini M, Hanfland M, Crichtone WA (2012) CaCO3-III and CaCO3-VI, high-pressure polymorphs of calcite: Possible host structures for carbon in the Earth's mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 333, 265-271
Merlini M, Sapelli F, Fumagalli P, Gatta G D, Lotti P, Tumiati S, Abdellatief M, Lausi A, Plaisier J, Hanfland M, Crichton W, Chantel J, Guignard J, Meneghini C, Pavese A, Poli S (2016) High-temperature and high-pressure behavior of carbonates in the ternary diagram CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3. American Mineralogist 101, 1423-1430
Meunier A, Clement J Y, Bouchet A, Beaufort D (1988) Chlorite-calcite and corrensite-dolomite crystallization during two superimposed events of hydrothermal alteration in the "Les Crêtes" granite, Vosges, France. The Canadian Mineralogist 26, 413-422
Milton C, Axelrod J (1947) Fused wood-ash stones: Fairchildite K2CO3·CaCO3, buetschliite 3K2CO3·2CaCO3·6H2O and calcite, CaCO3, their essential components. American Mineralogist 32, 607-624
Moyd L (1967) Abstract of paper presented at the twelfth annual meeting: Large nepheline and biotite crystals in calcite veins near Bancroft, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist 9, 302-303
Mozley P S, Hoernle K (1990) Geochemistry of carbonate cements in the Sag River and Shublik Formation (Triassic/Jurassic), North Slope, Alaska: implications for the geochemical evolution of formation waters. Sedimentology 37, 817-836
Nave D, Rosenwaks S, Vago R, Bar I (2004) Pulsed laser deposition of marine origin material: Preparation and characterization of CaCO3 particles and CaO nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics 95, 8309-8313
Németh P, Töchterle P, Dublyansky Y, Stalder R, Molnár Z, Klébert S, Spötl C (2022) Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite. American Mineralogist 107, 1960-1967
Nie S, Liu Y, Liu Q, Wang M, Wang H (2017) Phase transitions and thermal expansion of BaCO3 and SrCO3 up to 1413 K. European Journal of Mineralogy 29, 433-443
Northwood D O, Lewis D (1970) Strain induced calcite-aragonite transformation in calcium carbonate. The Canadian Mineralogist 10, 216-224
Okumura T, Kim H J, Kim J W, Kogure T (2018) Sulfate-containing calcite: crystallographic characterization of natural and synthetic materials. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 929-937
Ondru P, Veselovský F, Gabaová A, Hlouek J, rein V, Vavrín I, Skála R, Sejkora J, Drábek M (2003) Primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48, 19-147
Plotinskaya O Y, Abramova V D, Groznova E O, Tessalina S G, Seltmann R, Spratt J (2018) Trace-element geochemistry of molybdenite from porphyry Cu deposits of the Birgilda-Tomino ore cluster (South Urals, Russia). Mineralogical Magazine 82, S281-S306
Porto S P S, Giordmaine J A, Damen T C (1966) Depolarization of Raman scattering in calcite. Physical Review 147, 608-611
Pouliot G (1970) Study of carbonatitic calcites from Oka Que.. The Canadian Mineralogist 10, 511-540
Prencipe M, Pascale F, Zicovich-Wilson C M, Saunders V R, Orlando R, Dovesi R (2004) The vibrational spectrum of calcite (CaCO3): An ab initio quantum-mechanical calculation. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31, issue 8, 559-564
Rividi N, van Zuilen M, Philippot P, Ménez B, Godard G, Poidatz E (2010) Calibration of carbonate composition using micro-Raman analysis: Application to planetary surface exploration. Astrobiology 10, 293-309
Rutt H N, Nicola J H (1974) Raman spectra of carbonates of calcite structure. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 7, 4522-4528
Schaebitz M, Wirth R, Janssen C, Dresen G (2015) First evidence of CaCO3-III and CaCO3-IIIb high-pressure polymorphs of calcite: authigenically formed in near surface sediments. American Mineralogist 100, 1230-1235
Schindler M, Hawthorne F C, Putnis C, Putnis A (2004) Growth of uranyl-hydroxy-hydrate and uranyl-carbonate minerals on the (104) surface of calcite. The Canadian Mineralogist 42, 1683-1697
Schindler M, Putnis A (2004) Crystal growth of schoepite on the (104) surface of calcite. The Canadian Mineralogist 42, 1667-1681
Shatskiy A, Podborodnikov I V, Arefiev A V, Minin D A, Chanyshev A D, Litasov K D (2018) Revision of the CaCO3-MgCO3 phase diagram at 3 and 6 GPa. American Mineralogist 103, 441-452
Shi W, Fleet M E, Shieh S R (2012) High-pressure phase transitions in Ca-Mn carbonates (Ca,Mn)CO3 studied by Raman spectroscopy. American Mineralogist 97, 999-1001
Shiga Y, Urashima Y (1987) A sodian sulfatian fluorapatite from an epithermal calcite-quartz vein of the Kushikino mine, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. The Canadian Mineralogist 25, 673-681
Spear F S (1982) Phase equilibria of amphibolites from the post pond volcanics, Mt. cube quadrangle, Vermont. Journal of Petrology 23, 383-426
Suito K, Namba J, Horikawa T, Taniguchi Y, Sakurai N, Kobayashi M, Onodera A, Shimomura O, Kikegawa T (2001) Phase relations of CaCO3 at high pressure and high temperature. American Mineralogist 86, 997-1002
Wang M, Shi G, Qin J, Bai Q (2018) Thermal behaviour of calcite-structure carbonates: a powder X-ray diffraction study between 83 and 618 K. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 939-949
Wang Y Y, Yao Q Z, Zhou G T, Fu S Q (2015) Transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate into monohydrocalcite in aqueous solution: a biomimetic mineralization study. European Journal of Mineralogy 27, 717-729
Yuan X, Gao C, Gao J (2019) An in situ study of the phase transitions among CaCO3 high-pressure polymorphs. Mineralogical Magazine 83, 191-197
Zaitsev A N, Chakhmouradian A R (2002) Calcite amphibole clinopyroxene rock from the Afrikanda Complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia: mineralogy and a possible link to carbonatites. II. Oxysalt minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist 40, 103-120
Zaitsev A N, Wall F, Le Bas M J (1998) REE-Sr-Ba minerals from the Khibina carbonatites, Kola Peninsula, Russia: their mineralogy, paragenesis and evolution. Mineralogical Magazine 62(2), 225-250