We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.Report a new mineral description or crystal structure reference.
Mineral contains: Marcasite
Barkov A Y, Laajoki K V O, Men'shikov Y P, Alapieti T T, Sivonen S J (1997) First terrestrial occurrence of titanium-rich pyrrhotite, marcasite and pyrite in a fenitized xenolith from the Khibina alkaline complex, Russia. The Canadian Mineralogist 35, 875-885
Brostigen G, Kjekshus A (1970) Compounds with the marcasite type crystal structure. V. Crystal structures of FeS2, FeTe2, and CoTe2. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 24, 1925-1940
Brostigen G, Kjekshus A, Rømming C (1973) Compounds with the marcasite type crystal structure. VIII. Redetermination of the prototype. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 27, 2791-2796
Dódony I, Pósfai M, Buseck P R (1996) Structural relationship between pyrite and marcasite. American Mineralogist 81, 119-125
Fleet M E (1970) Structural aspects of the marcasite-pyrite transformation. The Canadian Mineralogist 10, 225-231
Fleet M E (1978) The pyrrhotite - marcasite transformation. The Canadian Mineralogist 16, 31-35
Gibbs G V, Cox D F, Rosso K M, Ross N L, Downs R T, Spackman M A (2007) Theoretical electron density distribution for Fe- and Cu-sulfide Earth materials: A connection between bond length, bond critical point properties, local energy densities, and bonded interactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, 1923-1931
Haidinger W (1845) Zweite Klasse: Geogenide. XIII. Ordnung. Kiese. IV. Eisenkies. Markasit.. in Handbuch der Bestimmenden Mineralogie, Bei Braumüller and Seidel (Wien) 559-562
Hill J (1751) Of vitriolic minerals. in A History of the Materia Medica, Longman, Hitch and Hawes (London) 140-147
Holseth H, Kjekshus A (1968) Compounds with the marcasite type crystal structure III. On the magnetic properties of the binary pnictides. Journal of the Less-Common Metals 16, 142-144
Hutton C O (1950) Studies of heavy detrital minerals. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 61, 635-710
Lutz H D, Muller B (1991) Lattice vibration spectra. LXVIII. Single-crystal Raman spectra of marcasite-type iron chalcogenides and pnictides, FeX2 (X=S,Se,Te;P,As,Sb). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 18, 265-268
Nickel E H (1968) Structural stability of minerals with the pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite and löllingite structures. The Canadian Mineralogist 9, 311-321
Nickel E H (1969) The application of ligand-field concepts to an understanding of the structural stabilities and solid-solution limits of sulphides and related minerals. Chemical Geology 5, 233-241
Ondru P, Veselovský F, Gabaová A, Hlouek J, rein V, Vavrín I, Skála R, Sejkora J, Drábek M (2003) Primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48, 19-147
Rieder M, Crelling J C, ustai O, Drábek M, Weiss Z, Klementová M (2007) Arsenic in iron disulfides in a brown coal from the North Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic. International Journal of Coal Geology 71, 115-121
Tossell J A, Vaughan D J, Burdett J K (1981) Pyrite, marcasite, and arsenopyrite type minerals: Crystal chemical and structural principles. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 7, 177-184