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Mineral contains: Tantalite   

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Černý P, Harris D C (1973) Tapiolite, stibiotantalite, and antimonian microlite from the Odd West pegmatite, southeastern Manitoba. The Canadian Mineralogist 12, 76-78

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Berzelius J (1815) Undersökning af hittills bekanta tantalhaltiga fossiliers sammansåttning. Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi och Mineralogi 4, 262-293

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Brøgger W C (1906) Die Mineralien der Südnorwegischen Granitpegmatitgänge: Blomstrandin (und Priorit). Skrifter udgivne af Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania 1906, issue 6, 1-162

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Burke E A J (2008) Tidying up mineral names: an IMA-CNMNC scheme for suffixes, hyphens and diacritical marks. The Mineralogical Record 39, 131-135

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Chukanov N, Pasero M, Aksenov S M, Britvin S N, Zubkova N V, Yike L, Witzke T (2023) Columbite supergroup of minerals: nomenclature and classification. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 18-33

Dihlström K (1938) Über den bau des wahren antimontetroxyds und des damit isomorphen stibiotantalits, SbTaO4. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 239, 57-64

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dos Santos C A, Zawislak L I, Kinast E J, Antonietti V, da Cunha J B M (2001) Crystal chemistry and structure of the orthorhombic (Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6 family of compounds. Brazilian Journal of Physics 31, 616-631

Ekeberg A G (1802) Uplysning 'om Ytterjordens egenskaper, i synnerhet i jamforelse med Berylljorden: om de Fossilier, hvari forstnamnde jord innehålles, samt om en ny uptäckt kropp of metallisk natur. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 23, 68-83

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Ercit T S, Wise M A, Černý P (1995) Compositional and structural systematics of the columbite group. American Mineralogist 80, 613-619

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Ferguson R B (1957) The crystallography of synthetic YTaO4 and fused fergusonite. The Canadian Mineralogist 6, 72-77

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Foshag W F (1930) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 15, 201-204

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Fuchsloch W C, Nex P A M, Kinnaird J A (2019) The geochemical evolution of Nb-Ta-Sn oxides from pegmatites of the Cape Cross-Uis pegmatite belt, Namibia. Mineralogical Magazine 83, 161-179

Galliski M A, Márquez-Zavalía M F, Cooper M A, Černý P, Hawthorne F C (2001) Bismutotantalite from northwestern Argentina: description and crystal structure. The Canadian Mineralogist 39, 103-110

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Gordon S G, Smith W C (1929) Proceedings of Societies: Philadelphia Mineralogical Society; Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. American Mineralogist 14, 311-312

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Goyder G A (1893) On a new mineral (stibiotantalite). Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia 17, 127-128

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Grice J D, Ferguson R B, Hawthorne F C (1976) The crystal structures of tantalite, ixiolite and wodginite from Bernic Lake, Manitoba I. Tantalite and ixiolite. The Canadian Mineralogist 14, 540-549

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Grice J D, Ferraris G (2003) New minerals approved in 2002 and nomenclature modifications approved 1998-2002 by the commission on new minerals and mineral names, International Mineralogical Association. American Mineralogist 88, 1620-1624

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Grice J D, Ferraris G (2003) New minerals approved in 2002 and nomenclature modifications approved in 1998-2002 by the Commission on the New Minerals and Mineral Names, International Mineralogical Association. The Canadian Mineralogist 41, 795-802

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Ismailzade I G (1958) Crystal structure of the niobiates and the tantalates of bivalent metals and their solid solutions. 22, 1480-1482

Jambor J L, Roberts A C (2004) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 89, 467-471

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Klein S, Weitzel H (1976) Magnetische struktur von Mn(Nb0.5Ta0.5)2O6, manganotantalit. Acta Crystallographica A32, 587-591

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Lima de Faria, J (1958) Heat treatment of metamict euxenites, polymignites, yttrotantalites, samarskites, pyrochlores, and allanites. Mineralogical Museum, section of the Junta de Investigações do Ultramar 3R, 937-942

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Mandarino J A (2004) New minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist 42, 215-234

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McNeil A G, Linnen R L, Flemming R L (2015) Hydrothermal synthesis of columbite-(Mn), tantalite-(Mn), hafnon, and zircon at 800-850°C and 200MPa. The Canadian Mineralogist 53, 1073-1081

Nickel E H, Mandarino J A (1987) Procedures involving the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names and guidelines on mineral nomenclature. American Mineralogist 72, 1031-1042

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Nordenskiöld A E (1877) Mineralogiska meddelanden. 3. Tantalsyrade mineralier från Utö. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 3, 282-286

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Novák M, Černý P, Cempírek J, Srein V, Filip J (2004) Ferrotapiolite as a pseudomorph of stibiotantalite from the Laštovičky lepidolite pegmatite, Czech Republic: an example of hydrothermal alteration at constant Ta/(Ta + Nb). The Canadian Mineralogist 42, 1117-1128

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Pekov I V (2007) New minerals from former Soviet Union countries, 1998-2006: new minerals approved by the IMA commission on new minerals and mineral names. Mineralogical Almanac 11, 9-51

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Pekov I V, Yakubovich O V, Shcherbachev D K, Kononkova N N (2003) Magnesiotantalite (Mg,Fe)(Ta,Nb)2O6, the new columbite-tantalite group mineral from desilicated granite pegmatites of Lipovka (the Central Urals) and its genesis. Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 132, issue 2, 49-60

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Qu K, Ni P, Fan G, Li G, Wang Y (2023) Stibiotantalite from the Nanyangshan LCT Pegmatite, North Qinling Orogen, Central China: Occurrence and new data on its crystal chemistry. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 61, 965-977

Quensel P, Berggren T (1938) Minerals of the Varuträsk pegmatite. XI. The niobate-tantalate group. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 60, 216-221

Shannon R D, Shannon R C, Medenbach O, Fischer R X (2002) Refractive index and dispersion of fluorides and oxides. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 31, 931-970

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Skapski A c,Rogers D (1965) The stucture of SbNbO4, α-SbNbO4, and SbTaO4. Chemical Communications 1965, 611-613

Thomson T (1836) On the minerals containing columbium. Records of General Science 4, 407-419

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Wayland E J, Spencer L J (1929) Bismutotantalite, a new mineral, from Uganda. Mineralogical Magazine 22, 185-192

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Wolten G M (1967) The structure of the M'-phase of YTaO4, a third fergusonite polymorph. Acta Crystallographica 23, 939-944

Zubkova N V, Pushcharovsky D Y, Giester G, Smolin A S, Tillmanns E, Brandstätter F, Hammer V, Peretyazhko I S, Sapozhnikov A N, Kashaev A A (2002) Bismutocolumbite, Bi(Nb0.79Ta0.21)O4, stibiocolumbite, Sb(Nb0.67Ta0.33)O4, and their structural relation to other ABO4 minerals with stibiotantalite (SbTaO4) structure. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte 2002, 145-159

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