Zanazziite R050578

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Record 2354 of 2398  

Name: Zanazziite
RRUFF ID: R050578
Ideal Chemistry: Ca2Be4Mg5(PO4)6(OH)4·6H2O
Locality: Lavra da Ilha pegmatite, Taquaral, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Source: University of Arizona Mineral Museum 16166 [view label]
Owner: RRUFF
Description: Mass of pale green acicular crystals associated with eosphorite
Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis
Mineral Group: [ roscherite (9) ]
Quick search: [ All Zanazziite samples (2) ]
RRUFF ID: R050578.2
Sample Description: Microprobe fragment
Measured Chemistry: Ca2.00Be4.00(Mg2.48Fe2+1.80Mn0.33Al0.260.13)Σ=5(P1.00O4)6(OH)4·6H2O ; Be not measured but estimated by difference and charge balance
Sample Description: Unoriented sample

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RRUFF ID: R050578
Sample Description: Unoriented sample
Instrument settings: Thermo Almega XR 532nm @ 100% of 150mW
RRUFF ID: R050578.9
Sample Description: Single crystal, powder profile is calculated
Cell Refinement Output: a: 15.90(2)Å    b: 11.843(15)Å    c: 6.599(6)Å
alpha: 90°    beta: 95.49(3)°    gamma: 90°   Volume: 1237(3)Å3    Crystal System: monoclinic
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REFERENCES for Zanazziite

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

Anthony J W, Bideaux R A, Bladh K W, and Nichols M C (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson Arizona, USA, by permission of the Mineralogical Society of America. [view file]

Leavens P B, White J S, Nelen J A (1990) Zanazziite a new mineral from Minas Gerais, Brazil, The Mineralogical Record, 21, 413-417   [view file]

Jambor J L, Puziewicz J (1991) New mineral names, American Mineralogist, 76, 1728-1735   [view file]

Atencio D, Coutinho J M V, Menezes L A D (2005) Roscherite-group minerals from Brazil, Axis, 1, Mineralogical Record 1-18

Rastsvetaeva R K, Rozenberg K A, Chukanov N V, Möckel (2009) The crystal structure of an iron-rich variety of zanazziite belonging to heteropolyhedral framework roscherite-group beryllophosphates, Crystallography Reports, 54, 568-571

Dyar M D, Jawin E R, Breves E, Marchand G, Nelms M, Lane M D, Mertzman S A, Bish D L and Bishop J L (2014) Mössbauer parameters of iron in phosphate minerals: Implications for interpretation of martian data, American Mineralogist, 99, 914-942   [view file]