- A. Hutchinson
- The Chemical Composition and Optical Characters of Chalybite from Cornwall
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 209-216.
- G. T. Prior
- Note on a Connexion Between the Molecular Volume and Chemical Composition of Some Crystallographically Similar Minerals
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 217-223.
- G. T. Prior and A. K. Coomáraswámy
- Serendibite, a New Borosilicate from Ceylon
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 224-227.
- G. T. Prior
- Contributions to the Petrology of British East Africa
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 228-263.
- G. F. Herbert Smith
- Some New Crystal-Forms on Krennerite
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 264-267.
- L. J. Spencer
- Mineralogical Notes On Western Australian Tellurides: The Non-Existence of ‘Kalgoorlite’ and ‘Coolgardite’ as Mineral Species
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 268-290.
- W. J. Lewis
- Notes on Minerals from the Neighbourhood of Binn (Switzerland)—Mispickel, Pyrites, Diopside, and Quartz
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 291-293.
- F. E. E. Lamplough
- On Some New Forms Prominently Developed on Crystals of Proustite
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 294-295.
- L. J. Spencer
- Crystalline Forms of Carbides and Silicides of Iron and Manganese (‘Ferro-Manganese,’ etc.)
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 296-302.
- Notes
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : 303-305.
- Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Magazine 1903 13 : xxvii-xxxii.