Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1878 Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : i-ii.[Abstract][PDF]
H. C. Sorby
I.—On the Determination of the Minerals in Thin Sections of Rocks by Means of Their Indices of Refraction Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : 1-4.[Abstract][PDF]
Prof. T. G. Bonney
II.—On Some Specimens of Gabbro from the Pennine Alps Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : 5-8.[Abstract][PDF]
Professor Heddle
III.—The County Geognosy and Mineralogy of Scotland Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : 9-35.[Abstract][PDF]
Books Received Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : ii-ii.[Abstract][PDF]
Reviews and Notices Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : 36-63.[Abstract][PDF]
Correspondence and Notes Mineralogical Magazine 1878 2 : 63-64.[Abstract][PDF]