1923 March June September December
1924 March June September December
1925 March June September  

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Contents: March 1925, Volume 20, Issue 108

John Parry and F. E. Wright
Afwillite, a New Hydrous Calcium Silicate, from Dutoitspan Mine, Kimberley, South Africa
Mineralogical Magazine 1925 20 : 277-286. [Abstract] [PDF]
Petr N. Chirvinsky
Tyuyamunite from the Tyuya-Muyun Radium Mine in Fergana
Mineralogical Magazine 1925 20 : 287-295. [Abstract] [PDF]
Kathleen Yardley
An X-ray Examination of Calcium Formate
Mineralogical Magazine 1925 20 : 296-298. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arthur Russell
A Notice of the Occurrence of Native Arsenic in Cornwall; of Bismuthinite at Shap, Westmorland; and of Smaltite and Niccolite at Coniston, Lancashire
Mineralogical Magazine 1925 20 : 299-304. [Abstract] [PDF]
Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society
Excerpt Minutes of Council and General Meetings 1924
Mineralogical Magazine 1925 20 : xxxix-xlvi. [Abstract] [PDF]