1959 March July September December
1960 March June September December
1961 March June September December

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Contents: June 1961, Volume 32, Issue 253

Jessie M. Sweet, D. I. Bothwell and D. L. Williams
Tacharanite and Other Hydrated Calcium Silicates from Portree, Isle of Skye
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 745-753. [Abstract] [PDF]
M. C. Ball and H. F. W. Taylor
The Dehydration of Brucite
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 754-766. [Abstract] [PDF]
E. F. Stumpfl
Contribution to the Study of Ore Minerals in Some Igneous Rocks from Assynt
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 767-777. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. B. Wright
Solid-Solution Relationships in Some Titaniferous Iron Oxide Ores of Basic Igneous Rocks
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 778-789. [Abstract] [PDF]
C. G. Nnicholson
The Use of Petrographic Methods for the Identification of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Steel
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 790-801. [Abstract] [PDF]
A. A. Moss, M. H. Hey and D. I. Bothwell
Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Meteorites. I. Siderites
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 802-816. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. J. Davis
The Use of Buerger's Algorithm in Crystallographic Calculations
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 817-822. [Abstract] [PDF]
Short Communications
X-Ray Powder Data for Holmquistite from Rhodesia
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 823-823. [Abstract] [PDF]
Wilma W. Smith
Structural Relationships within Pseudomorphs after Olivine
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 823-825. [Abstract] [PDF]
E. Christiaan de Wys
Some Observations Concerning Viscosity and Anionic Groups in Silicate Melts
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 825-828. [Abstract] [PDF]
M. Kossenberg and A. C. Cook
Weathering of Sulphide Minerals in Coal: Production of Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 829-830. [Abstract] [PDF]
Book Reviews
E. F. Stumpfl
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 830-831. [Abstract] [PDF]
A. A. M.
Principles of Meteoritics
Mineralogical Magazine 1961 32 : 831-832. [Abstract] [PDF]