Volume 34

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Contents:  1965, Volume 34, Issue 268

S. O. Agrell
Polythermal Metamorphism of Limestones at Kilchoan, Ardnamurchan
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 1-15. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. B. Allen and T. Deans
Ultrabasic Eruptives with Alnöitic-Kimberlitic Affinities from Malaita, Solomon Islands
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 16-34. [Abstract] [PDF]
M. H. Battey
Layered Structure in Rocks of the Jotunheim Complex, Norway
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 35-51. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. A. Binns
Hornblendes from Some Basic Hornfelses in the New England Region, New South Wales
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 52-65. [Abstract] [PDF]
M. G. Bown
Re-investigation of Clino-Ferrosilite from Lake Naivasha, Kenya
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 66-70. [Abstract] [PDF]
A. F. Buddington
The Origin of Three Garnet Isograds in Adirondack Gneisses
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 71-81. [Abstract] [PDF]
B. C. M. Butler
Epidiorite-Limestone Contact Relations at Burawai, Hazara District, West Pakistan
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 82-91. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. R. Cann
The Metamorphism of Amygdales at 'S Airde Beinn, Northern Mull
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 92-106. [Abstract] [PDF]
I. S. E. Carmichael
Trachytes and Their Feldspar Phenocrysts
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 107-125. [Abstract] [PDF]
Felix Chayes
Titania and Alumina Content of Oceanic and Circumoceanic Basalt
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 126-131. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. A. Chinner
The Kyanite Isograd in Glen Clova, Angus, Scotland
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 132-143. [Abstract] [PDF]
D. S. Coombs
Sedimentary Analcime Rocks and Sodium-rich Gneisses
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 144-158. [Abstract] [PDF]
A. G. Darnley, T. H. English, Mrs. O. Sprake, E. R. Preece and D. Avery
Ages of Uraninite and Coffinite from South-West England
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 159-176. [Abstract] [PDF]
W. A. Deer and D. Abbott
Clinopyroxenes of the Gabbro Cumulates of the Kap Edvard Holm Complex, East Greenland
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 177-193. [Abstract] [PDF]
H. I. Drever and R. Johnston
New Petrographical Data on the Shiant Isles Picrite
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 194-203. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. Gay
An X-ray Powder Method for the Estimation of (K, Ba) Feldspars
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 204-213. [Abstract] [PDF]
D. L. Hamilton and W. S. MacKenzie
Phase-Equilibrium Studies in the System NaAlSiO4 (Nepheline)-KAlSiO4 (Kalsilite)-SiO2-H2O
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 214-231. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. I. Harker
Scawtite and Its Synthesis
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 232-236. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. E. T. Horne and J. R. Butler
A Second Occurrence of Lyndochite
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 237-248. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. A. Howie
Bustamite, Rhodonite, Spessartine, and Tephroite from Meldon, Okehampton, Devonshire
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 249-255. [Abstract] [PDF]
C. Osborne Hutton and William H. Taft
Weddellite in Modern Sediments, Florida
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 256-265. [Abstract] [PDF]
Germaine A. Joplin
The Problem of the Potash-rich Basaltic Rocks
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 266-275. [Abstract] [PDF]
C. H. Kelsey
Calculation of the C.I.P.W. Norm
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 276-282. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. St J. Lambert
The Metamorphic Facies Concept
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 283-291. [Abstract] [PDF]
M. J. Le Bas
The Contamination of a Gabbro by Carboniferous Limestone at Carlingford, Co. Louth
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 292-302. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. W. Le Maitre
The Significance of the Gabbroic Xenoliths from Gough Island, South Atlantic
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 303-317. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. V. P. Long and S. O. Agrell
The Cathodo-Luminescence of Minerals in Thin Section
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 318-326. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. D. C. McConnell
Study of the Reaction CaSO4.12H2O (β-hemihydrate) = CaSO4 (β-soluble anhydrite)+12H2O in the temperature range 20–100° C
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 327-345. [Abstract] [PDF]
Duncan McKie
The Magnesium Aluminium Borosilicates: Kornerupine and Grandidierite
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 346-357. [Abstract] [PDF]
I. D. Muir and J. V. P. Long
Pyroxene Relations in Two Hawaiian Hypersthene-Bearing Basalts
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 358-369. [Abstract] [PDF]
Bebyl Nashar
Barringtonite—A New Hydrous Magnesium Carbonate from Barrington Tops, New South Wales, Australia
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 370-372. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. D. Nicholls
Basalts from the Deep Ocean Floor
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 373-388. [Abstract] [PDF]
S. R. Nockolds and J. H. Scoon
The ‘Pseudodiorites’ of Dielette
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 389-395. [Abstract] [PDF]
F. C. Phillips
Non-Coaxial Quartz- and Mica-Girdles in Lineated Quartzites from the Broken Hill District, New South Wales
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 396-402. [Abstract] [PDF]
Res T. Prider
Noonkanbahite, a Potassic Batisite from the Lamproites of Western Australia
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 403-405. [Abstract] [PDF]
Th. G. Sahama
Yellow Apophyllite from Korsnäs, Finland
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 406-415. [Abstract] [PDF]
E. R. Segnit
Oriented Overgrowth of Hematite on Beta-Alumina
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 416-422. [Abstract] [PDF]
D. M. Shaw and A. M. Kudo
A Test of the Discriminant Function in the Amphibolite Problem
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 423-435. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. V. Smith and R. C. Stenstrom
Chemical Analysis of Olivines by the Electron Microprobe
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 436-459. [Abstract] [PDF]
F. H. Stewart
The Mineralogy of the British Permian Evaporites
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 460-470. [Abstract] [PDF]
T. G. Vallance
On the Chemistry of Pillow Lavas and the Origin of Spilites
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 471-481. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. Van Tassel
Nigerite from Lixa, Near Felgueiras, Douro Litoral Province, Portugal
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 482-486. [Abstract] [PDF]
L. R. Wager
The Form and Internal Structure of the Alkaline Kangerdlugssuaq Intrusion, East Greenland
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 487-497. [Abstract] [PDF]
Frederick Walker
The Part Played by Tholeiitic Magma in the Carbo-Permian Vulcanicity of Central Scotland
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 498-516. [Abstract] [PDF]
W. A. Watters
Prehnitization in the Yahgan Formation of Navarino Island, Southernmost Chile
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 517-527. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. F. G. Wilkinson
Titanomagnetites from a Differentiation Sequence, Analcime-Olivine Theralite to Analcime-Tinguaite
Mineralogical Magazine 1965 34 : 528-541. [Abstract] [PDF]