1965 March June September December
1966 March June September

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Contents: June 1966, Volume 35, Issue 274

Michael Fleischer
Rare Earths in the Aeschynite-Priorite Series. The Status of Lyndochite
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 801-809. [Abstract] [PDF]
D. G. W. Smith and J. D. C. McConnell
A Comparative Electron-Diffraction Study of Sillimanite and Some Natural and Artificial Mullites
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 810-814. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. A. Kingston
The Occurrence of Platinoid Bismuthotellurides in the Merensky Reef at Rustenburg Platinum Mine in the Western Bushveld
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 815-834. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. Černý
A New Czechoslovak Occurrence of Stokesite
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 835-837. [Abstract] [PDF]
D. A. Stephenson, C. B. Sclar and J. V. Smith
Unit Cell Volumes of Synthetic Orthoenstatite and Low Clinoenstatite
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 838-846. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. F. G. Wilkinson
Residual Glasses from Some Alkali Basaltic Lavas from New South Wales
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 847-860. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. M. D. Bradshaw, R. Phillips and R. A. Smith
A New Method for the Absolute Measurement of Reflectivity
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 861-866. [Abstract] [PDF]
S. Chatterji and J. W. Jeffery
On the Oriented Conversion of Ca(OH)2 to CaO
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 867-870. [Abstract] [PDF]
Short Communications
D. F. C. Morris and E. L. Short
Minerals of Rhenium
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 871-873. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. R. Basson
Note on the Crystallization of Merwinite from Glass of Åkermanite Composition
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 873-875. [Abstract] [PDF]
Book Reviews
T. W. Bloxam
Microscopic Identification of Minerals
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 875-876. [Abstract] [PDF]
T. W. Bloxam
The Origin and Evolution of Atmospheres and Oceans
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 876-876. [Abstract] [PDF]
T. W. Bloxam
The Geology of Scotland
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 876-877. [Abstract] [PDF]
S. Moorbath
Geochronology in Canada
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 877-878. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. K.
Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 878-880. [Abstract] [PDF]
H. G. M.
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 880-880. [Abstract] [PDF]
New Book
T. W. B.
Theophrastus: De Lapidibus
Mineralogical Magazine 1966 35 : 880-880. [Abstract] [PDF]