- Errata
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : ii-ii.
- Daniel J. Kontak and Alan H. Clark
- The Minastira Peraluminous Granite, Puno, Southeastern Peru: A Quenched, Hypabyssal Intrusion Recording Magma Commingling and Mixing
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 743-764.
- Giampiero Venturelli, Simona Contini, Achille Bonazzi and Alessandro Mangia
- Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks and Element Mobility at Mt. Prinzera, Northern Apennines, Italy
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 765-778.
- Roger H. Mitchell
- Carbonate-Carbonate Immiscibility, Neighborite and Potassium Iron Sulphide in Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatite
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 779-789.
- M. Stone, J. Klomínský and G. S. Rajpoot
- Composition of Trioctahedral Micas in the Karlovy Vary Pluton, Czech Republic and a Comparison with Those in the Cornubian Batholith, SW England
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 791-807.
- Gerhard Tischendorf, Bärbel Gottesmann, Hans-Jürgen Förster and Robert B. Trumbull
- On Li-Bearing Micas: Estimating Li from Electron Microprobe Analyses and an Improved Diagram for Graphical Representation
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 809-834.
- Aral I. Okay
- Jadeite-K-Feldspar Rocks and Jadeitites from Northwest Turkey
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 835-843.
- Tatsuki Tsujimori
- Omphacite-Diopside Vein in an Omphacitite Block from the Osayama Serpentinite Melange, Sangun-Renge Metamorphic Belt, Southwestern Japan
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 845-852.
- Shao-Yong Jiang, Martin R. Palmer and John F. Slack
- Alkali-Deficient Tourmaline from the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, British Columbia
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 853-860.
- Fernando Gervilla, Alejandro Sánchez-Anguita, Rogelio D. Acevedo, Purificación Fenoll Hach-Ali and Andrés Paniagua
- Platinum-Group Element Sulpharsenides and Pd Bismuthotellurides in the Metamorphosed Ni-Cu Deposit at Las Aguilas (Province of San Luis, Argentina)
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 861-877.
- Napoleon Q. Hammond and Hirokazu Tabata
- Characteristics of Ore Minerals Associated with Gold at the Prestea Mine, Ghana
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 879-894.
Short Communications
- B. Young, G. Ryback, R. S. W. Braithwaite and J. G. Francis
- Prosopite, Doyleite and Otavite from Coldstones Quarry, Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 895-897.
- Juan Jiménez-Millán and Nicolás Velilla
- Hausmannite and Braunite Nodules from the Aracena Area (Iberian Massif, SW Spain)
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 898-902.
- Sisir K. Mondal and Tapan K. Baidya
- Platinum-Group Minerals from the Nuasahi Ultramafic-Mafic Complex, Orissa, India
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 902-906.
Book Reviews
- P. McSwiggen
- Manganese Mineralization: Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Terrestrial and Marine Deposits
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 907-907.
- P. D. Cole
- Volcano Instability on the Earth and Other Planets
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 907-908.
- A. Putnis
- Minerale: Bestimmen nach äußeren Kennzeichen. 3. Auflage der ‘Tafeln zum Bestimmen der Minerale nach äußeren Kennzeichen’ von Hellmut von Philipsborn
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 908-908.
- Alphabetical Index
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 909-920.
- Book Reviews
Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 921-921.