Chrysotile R070088

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Record 819 of 4071  

Name: Chrysotile
RRUFF ID: R070088
Ideal Chemistry: Mg3Si2O5(OH)4
Locality: Cassiar Asbestos mine, Cassiar, British Columbia, Canada
Source: Lloyd Twaites LT608 [view label]
Owner: RRUFF
Description: Green silky fibrous aggregate, transparent in parts
Status: The identification of this mineral is not yet confirmed.
Mineral Groups: [ serpentine (12) ] [ Clay (86) ]
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Sample Description: Unoriented sample

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RRUFF ID: R070088
Sample Description: Unoriented sample
Instrument settings: Thermo Almega XR 532nm @ 100% of 150mW
RRUFF ID: R070088.1
Sample Description: Powder
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REFERENCES for Chrysotile

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

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