Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.

The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.

Locality Name:
Ruby Mts, Elko Co., Nevada, USA

Oldest recorded age at locality: 162.4
Youngest recorded age at locality: 30.7

mindat Locality ID: 62008
mindat URL: http://www.mindat.org/loc-62008.html

Tectonic Settings:

Total number of sublocalities beneath "Ruby Mts, Elko Co., Nevada, USA": 4
Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 3

Number of Child Localities: 3
Child Localities:
Lamoille Canyon
Northern Ruby Mountains
Unnamed Pegmatite

Latitude: 0°0'0"N
Longitude: 0°0'0"E
Decimal Degree (lat, lon): 0,0

AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
GThis mineral is directly dated.
BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

This Mineral list contains entries from this locality, including sub-localities. Minerals in bold are reported by mindat.org as occurring directly at this locality, and do not occur at any children (sublocalities) of this locality.

Elements at this locality, including sub-localities: Al Be C Ca F Fe H K Mg Mn Na O P Si Ti U W 

Elements from minerals reported directly at this locality: Al C Ca H K Mn O P Si Ti U W 

Structural Groups for minerals in this locality: 
BerylClayColumbiteFeldsparGarnetMeta-autuniteMicaNoneNot in a structural groupOlivine

10 IMA Minerals at location:
Almandine  (*)Anatase  (*)Beryl  (*)Chrysoberyl  (*)Graphite  (*)
Hübnerite  (*)Meta-autunite  (*)Muscovite  (*)Orthoclase  (*)Vesuvianite  (*)
Mineral nameStructural GroupsIMA FormulaMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)# of Sublocalities containing mineralLOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids# of localities containing mineral
Almandine  (*)GarnetFe2+3Al2(SiO4)3162.430.712364332353
Anatase  (*)Not in a structural groupTiO2162.430.702162
Beryl  (*)BerylBe3Al2Si6O1885.1582.652236432,2364344286
Chrysoberyl  (*)OlivineBeAl2O485.1582.651236434321
Graphite  (*)NoneC162.430.702812
Hübnerite  (*)ColumbiteMn2+(WO4)162.430.70469
Meta-autunite  (*)Meta-autuniteCa(UO2)2(PO4)2·6H2O162.430.70388
Muscovite  (*)Mica ClayKAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)285.1582.65123643417380
Orthoclase  (*)FeldsparK(AlSi3O8)162.430.702349
Vesuvianite  (*)Vesuvianite(Ca,Na)19(Al,Mg,Fe)13(SiO4)10(Si2O7)4(OH,F,O)1085.1530.712364311395

Locality Notes from all Ages at Locality:
Age IDLocality Notes
Jen_0000003Precambrian igneous complex separated from paleozoic sequence to the south by 3 generations of granites
josh-tmp0001Precambrian igneous complex separated from paleozoic sequence to the south by 3 generations of granites
josh-tmp0002Precambrian igneous complex separated from paleozoic sequence to the south by 3 generations of granites

3 Ages assigned to this locality:

Excel IDMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)Age as listed in referenceDating MethodAge InterpretPrioritized?Sample SourceSample NumRun NumAge from other LocalityDated MineralMinerals explicitely stated as having this ageAge applies to these ElementsMinDat Locality IDDated Locality (Max Age)Location as listed in referenceReferenceReference DOIReference IDAge Notes
Jen_0000003162.4157159.7±2.7Rb-Sr1st generation granite intrusion into Ruby metamorphic core complexwhole rock   Beryl, MuscoviteLi, Rb, Cs, Sn, Be, Ta61943Northern Ruby Mountains, Ruby Mts, Elko Co., Nevada, USARuby MountainsČerný (1991)10.1016/0301-9268(91)90111-MPR51_4291st generation granite intrusion into Ruby metamorphic core complex
josh-tmp000185.1582.6583.9±1.25Rb-Sr2nd generation granite intrusion into Ruby metamorphic core complexhighwhole rock   Beryl, Muscovite, ZirconLi, Rb, Cs, Sn, Be, Ta61943Northern Ruby Mountains, Ruby Mts, Elko Co., Nevada, USARuby MountainsČerný (1991)10.1016/0301-9268(91)90111-MPR51_4292nd generation granite intrusion into Ruby metamorphic core complex
josh-tmp000233.130.731.9±1.2Rb-Sr3rd generation granite intrusion into Ruby metamorphic core complexwhole rock     61943Northern Ruby Mountains, Ruby Mts, Elko Co., Nevada, USARuby MountainsČerný (1991)10.1016/0301-9268(91)90111-MPR51_4293rd generation granite intrusion into Ruby metamorphic core complex

SampleSource LocalityReference URL

All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org

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