A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Acanthite (*) | Acanthite | Ag2S | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 2793 | |
Acuminite (*) | Tikhonenkovite | SrAlF4(OH)·H2O | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1 | |
Aikinite (*) | Meneghinite | CuPbBiS3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 315 | |
Albite (*) | Feldspar | Na(AlSi3O8) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 8803 | |
Arcubisite (*) | Not in a structural group | Ag6CuBiS4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5 | |
Arsenopyrite (*) | Arsenopyrite | FeAsS | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 9052 | |
Baryte (*) | Baryte | Ba(SO4) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 11547 | |
Berryite (*) | Meneghinite | Cu3Ag2Pb3Bi7S16 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 50 | |
Bismuth (*) | Arsenic | Bi | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1966 | |
Bismuthinite (*) | Stibnite | Bi2S3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1935 | |
Bøggildite (*) | None | Na2Sr2Al2(PO4)F9 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1 | |
Bøgvadite (*) | None | Na2Ba2SrAl4F20 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1 | |
Böhmite (*) | Lepidocrocite | AlO(OH) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 195 | |
Boulangerite (*) | None | Pb5Sb4S11 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 843 | |
Bournonite (*) | Bournonite | CuPbSbS3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1089 | |
Canfieldite (*) | Argyrodite | Ag8SnS6 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 91 | |
Cassiterite (*) | Rutile | SnO2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5171 | |
Celestine (*) | Baryte | Sr(SO4) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1252 | |
Cervelleite (*) | None | Ag4TeS | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 42 | |
Chalcocite (*) | None | Cu2S | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5707 | |
Chalcopyrite (*) | Chalcopyrite | CuFeS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 27198 | |
Chiolite (*) | None | Na5Al3F14 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5 | |
Coffinite (*) | Zircon | U(SiO4)·nH2O | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 566 | |
Columbite-(Fe) (*) | Columbite | Fe2+Nb2O6 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 518 | |
Cosalite (*) | None | Pb2Bi2S5 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 344 | |
Covellite (*) | Covellite | CuS | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 4165 | |
Cryolite (*) | Perovskite | Na2NaAlF6 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 50 | |
Cryolithionite (*) | Garnet | Na3Al2(LiF4)3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5 | |
Cubanite (*) | Cubanite Wurtzite | CuFe2S3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 802 | |
Diaspore (*) | Diaspore | AlO(OH) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 481 | |
Elpasolite (*) | Perovskite | K2NaAlF6 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 16 | |
Emplectite (*) | Chalcostibite | CuBiS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 246 | |
Enargite (*) | Enargite Wurtzite | Cu3AsS4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 910 | |
Eskimoite (*) | Lillianite | Ag7Pb10Bi15S36 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 20 | |
Ferberite (*) | Columbite | Fe2+(WO4) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 551 | |
Fluorite (*) | Fluorite | CaF2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 9617 | |
Freibergite (*) | Tetrahedrite | Ag6[Cu4Fe2]Sb4S12 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 663 | |
Galena (*) | Rocksalt | PbS | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 24243 | |
Gearksutite (*) | None | CaAlF4(OH)·H2O | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 68 | |
Goethite (*) | Diaspore | FeO(OH) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 7437 | |
Gold (*) | Copper | Au | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 30554 | |
Gustavite (*) | Lillianite | AgPbBi3S6 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 113 | |
Gypsum (*) | Gypsum | Ca(SO4)·2H2O | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 6890 | |
Hematite (*) | Corundum | Fe2O3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 14640 | |
Hessite (*) | None | Ag2Te | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 804 | |
Hydrokenoralstonite (*) | Pyrochlore | 2Al2F6(H2O) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 56 | |
Ilmenite (*) | Corundum | Fe2+Ti4+O3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5433 | |
Jarlite (*) | Jarlite | Na2(Sr,Na)14(Mg, )2Al12F64(OH)4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 2 | |
Jørgensenite (*) | Jarlite | Na2Sr14Na2Al12F64(OH)4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1 | |
Kaolinite (*) | Clay Kaolinite | Al2Si2O5(OH)4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5591 | |
Kësterite (*) | Stannite Sphalerite | Cu2ZnSnS4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 82 | |
Lepidocrocite (*) | Lepidocrocite | Fe3+O(OH) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 581 | |
Mackinawite (*) | None | (Fe,Ni)1+xS (x = 0-0.07) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 451 | |
Magnetite (*) | Spinel | Fe2+Fe3+2O4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 14899 | |
Malachite (*) | Malachite | Cu2(CO3)(OH)2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 12537 | |
Marcasite (*) | Marcasite | FeS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5674 | |
Matildite (*) | None | AgBiS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 252 | |
Microcline (*) | Feldspar | K(AlSi3O8) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 4924 | |
Molybdenite (*) | Molybdenite | MoS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5800 | |
Muscovite (*) | Mica Clay | KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 17380 | |
Orthoclase (*) | Feldspar | K(AlSi3O8) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 2349 | |
Ourayite (*) | Lillianite | Ag3Pb4Bi5S13 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 24 | |
Pachnolite (*) | None | NaCaAlF6·H2O | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 18 | |
Paragonite (*) | Mica Clay | NaAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 247 | |
Prosopite (*) | None | CaAl2F4(OH)4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 39 | |
Pyrargyrite (*) | None | Ag3SbS3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1425 | |
Pyrite (*) | Pyrite | FeS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 39462 | |
Pyrrhotite (*) | Nickeline | Fe7S8 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 9056 | |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 61156 | |
Rutile (*) | Rutile | TiO2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5614 | |
Schorl (*) | Tourmaline | NaFe2+3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 2705 | |
Siderite (*) | Calcite | Fe(CO3) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 6417 | |
Silver (*) | Copper | Ag | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5186 | |
Sphalerite (*) | Sphalerite | ZnS | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 21482 | |
Stannite (*) | Stannite Sphalerite | Cu2FeSnS4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 668 | |
Stenonite (*) | None | Sr2Al(CO3)F5 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1 | |
Teallite (*) | Arsenolamprite | PbSnS2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 33 | |
Thomsenolite (*) | None | NaCaAlF6·H2O | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 23 | |
Thorite (*) | Zircon | Th(SiO4) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1006 | |
Topaz (*) | Topaz | Al2SiO4F2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1476 | |
Uraninite (*) | Fluorite | UO2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 2718 | |
Vikingite (*) | Lillianite | Ag5Pb8Bi13S30 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 27 | |
Volynskite (*) | None | AgBiTe2 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 64 | |
Weberite (*) | Weberite | Na2MgAlF7 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 13 | |
Wittichenite (*) | None | Cu3BiS3 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 297 | |
Wulfenite (*) | Scheelite | PbMoO4 | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 1655 | |
Zircon (*) | Zircon | Zr(SiO4) | 1275 | 1275 | 0 | 5251 |
Excel ID | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | Age as listed in reference | Dating Method | Age Interpret | Prioritized? | Sample Source | Sample Num | Run Num | Age from other Locality | Dated Mineral | Minerals explicitely stated as having this age | Age applies to these Elements | MinDat Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Location as listed in reference | Reference | Reference DOI | Reference ID | Age Notes | |
Mo-00259 | 1257 | 1037 | 1147±110 | Rb-Sr | Yes | Molybdenite, Wulfenite | Mo | 51122 | Ivittuut (Ivigtut), Arsuk Fjord, Sermersooq, Greenland, Denmark | Ivigtut | Goodenough et al. (2000) | 10.1016/S0024-4937(99)00064-X | L51_205 | ||||||||
Grew_Li_2019_0017 | 1275 | 1275 | 1275 | Cryolithionite | 1958 | Ivigtut Cryolite Deposit, Ivittuut (Ivigtut), Arsuk Fjord, Sermersooq, Greenland, Denmark | Ivigtut cryolite deposit, Ivittuut, Arsuk Fjord, Greenland (type) | Steenfelt et al. (2016) | 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.02.005 | OGR77_194 |
Sample | Source Locality | Reference URL |
FKM-208 | Ivigtut Cryolite Deposit, Ivittuut (Ivigtut), Arsuk Fjord, Sermersooq, Greenland, Denmark | https://www.rockptx.com/fkm-201-to-fkm-225/#FKM-208 |
R050412 | Ivigtut Cryolite Deposit, Ivittuut (Ivigtut), Arsuk Fjord, Sermersooq, Greenland, Denmark | https://rruff.info/R050412 |
All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org
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