Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Acanthite (*) Acanthite Ag2 S 1 219362 2793 Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 503.6 350.45 5 219320 ,219357 ,219364 ,219376 ,219405 3419 Aegirine (*) Pyroxene NaFe3+ Si2 O6 396 350.45 8 219304 ,219306 ,219315 ,219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219353 ,219392 1022 Aegirine-augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Na)(Fe3+ ,Mg,Fe2+ )Si2 O6 396 388 1 219392 286 Aenigmatite (*) Sapphirine Na4 [Fe2+ 10 Ti2 ]O4 [Si12 O36 ] 396 388 2 219392 ,219395 133 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 457 335.26 14 219300 ,219303 ,219320 ,219324 ,219325 ,219328 ,219334 ,219335 ,219337 ,219348 ,219349 ,219377 ,219384 ,219394 8803 Allanite-(Ce) (*) Allanite Epidote CaCe(Al2 Fe2+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 1 219345 706 Almandine (*) Garnet Fe2+ 3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 990 230.03 1 219300 2353 Analcime (*) Analcime Na(AlSi2 O6 )·H2 O 396 388 2 219353 ,219392 1627 Andalusite (*) Andalusite Al2 SiO5 503.6 428.27 4 219308 ,219340 ,219345 ,219357 1310 Andradite (*) Garnet Ca3 Fe3+ 2 (SiO4 )3 1 219364 1534 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 1 219362 3092 Annite (*) Mica Clay KFe2+ 3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 457 350.45 5 219324 ,219335 ,219336 ,219384 ,219392 356 Anorthite (*) Feldspar Ca(Al2 Si2 O8 ) 503.6 350.45 3 219320 ,219357 ,219392 1036 Antigorite (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 369 246 3 219350 ,219363 ,219364 708 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 5 219298 ,219299 ,219362 ,219364 ,219390 9052 Astrophyllite (*) Astrophyllite K2 NaFe2+ 7 Ti2 (Si4 O12 )2 O2 (OH)4 F 457 350.45 3 219320 ,219324 ,219387 161 Augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe)2 Si2 O6 503.6 335.26 14 219304 ,219306 ,219320 ,219333 ,219346 ,219349 ,219353 ,219357 ,219371 ,219372 ,219378 ,219381 ,219385 ,219392 2060 Autunite (*) Autunite Ca(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·10-12H2 O 990 230.03 1 219302 1272 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 2 219317 ,219362 5509 Babingtonite (*) Rhodonite Ca2 Fe2+ Fe3+ Si5 O14 (OH) 2 219313 ,219378 161 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 1 219362 11547 Bertrandite (*) Not in a structural group Be4 Si2 O7 (OH)2 990 230.03 2 219302 ,219377 606 Beryl (*) Beryl Be3 Al2 Si6 O18 990 230.03 4 219300 ,219302 ,219303 ,219377 4286 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 3 219362 ,219369 ,219370 5516 Bournonite (*) Bournonite CuPbSbS3 1 219362 1089 Brucite (*) Brucite Mg(OH)2 369 246 2 219350 ,219364 462 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 503.6 419.82 21 219301 ,219313 ,219317 ,219320 ,219323 ,219328 ,219356 ,219357 ,219359 ,219363 ,219364 ,219365 ,219369 ,219372 ,219376 ,219378 ,219384 ,219389 ,219403 ,219405 ,219407 27770 Cancrinite (*) Cancrinite (Na,Ca, )8 (Al6 Si6 )O24 (CO3 ,SO4 )2 ·2H2 O 396 388 6 219304 ,219353 ,219354 ,219392 ,219395 ,219397 232 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 1 219304 5171 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 1 219362 4979 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 503.6 428.27 11 219298 ,219317 ,219357 ,219362 ,219363 ,219369 ,219370 ,219373 ,219405 ,219408 ,219409 27198 Chevkinite-(Ce) (*) Chevkinite Ce4 (Ti,Fe2+ ,Fe3+ )5 O8 (Si2 O7 )2 364.15 350.45 1 219320 89 Chloritoid (*) Chloritoid Fe2+ Al2 O(SiO4 )(OH)2 364.15 350.45 1 219320 376 Chromite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Cr2 O4 1 219363 3902 Chrysotile (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 396 246 5 219350 ,219360 ,219363 ,219364 ,219392 951 Clinochlore (*) Chlorite Clay Mg5 Al(AlSi3 O10 )(OH)8 396 388 2 219312 ,219392 1756 Clinozoisite (*) Clinozoisite Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 503.6 428.27 2 219357 ,219376 1025 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 1 219362 4165 Danalite (*) Cancrinite-sodalite Sodalite Be3 Fe2+ 4 (SiO4 )3 S 431.82 350.45 7 219320 ,219324 ,219334 ,219335 ,219384 ,219387 ,219389 58 Diadochite (*) Amorphous Fe3+ 2 (PO4 )(SO4 )(OH)·6H2 O 1 219303 81 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 503.6 428.27 6 219304 ,219357 ,219363 ,219364 ,219370 ,219376 4135 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 503.6 388 4 219357 ,219363 ,219364 ,219392 9895 Enstatite (*) Pyroxene Mg2 Si2 O6 396 388 2 219392 ,219396 944 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 503.6 246 10 219313 ,219320 ,219348 ,219354 ,219357 ,219362 ,219365 ,219394 ,219396 ,219405 8173 Fayalite (*) Olivine Fe2+ 2 (SiO4 ) 457 418 5 219320 ,219335 ,219384 ,219387 ,219388 371 Fergusonite-(Y) (*) Scheelite YNbO4 457 418 1 219384 196 Ferrisicklerite (*) Olivine Li1-x (Fe3+ ,Mn2+ )(PO4 ) 2 219303 ,219377 108 Ferro-anthophyllite (*) Amphibole Fe2+ 2 Fe2+ 5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 457 350.45 2 219320 ,219384 5 Ferro-hornblende (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Fe2+ 4 Al)(Si7 Al)O22 (OH)2 396 350.45 2 219320 ,219392 271 Fluorapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 F 990 230.03 3 219302 ,219303 ,219377 2740 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 503.6 246 14 219304 ,219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219335 ,219337 ,219348 ,219352 ,219357 ,219362 ,219384 ,219387 ,219389 ,219405 9617 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 503.6 246 24 219298 ,219299 ,219308 ,219310 ,219311 ,219320 ,219324 ,219335 ,219339 ,219348 ,219352 ,219357 ,219361 ,219362 ,219363 ,219367 ,219368 ,219369 ,219373 ,219384 ,219390 ,219405 ,219409 ,219410 24243 Gedrite (*) Amphibole Mg2 (Mg3 Al2 )(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 364.15 350.45 1 219320 178 Genthelvite (*) Cancrinite-sodalite Sodalite Be3 Zn4 (SiO4 )3 S 457 418 1 219384 60 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 2 219320 ,219335 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 383.26 246 4 219308 ,219348 ,219362 ,219407 30554 Graphite (*) None C 383.26 246 5 219313 ,219348 ,219356 ,219378 ,219407 2812 Grossular (*) Garnet Ca3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 503.6 428.27 3 219357 ,219364 ,219376 1544 Grunerite (*) Amphibole Fe2+ 2 Fe2+ 5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 457 350.45 4 219320 ,219324 ,219384 ,219387 223 Halite (*) Rocksalt NaCl 1 219322 1398 Hastingsite (*) Amphibole NaCa2 (Fe2+ 4 Fe3+ )(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 457 350.45 3 219304 ,219320 ,219384 209 Hedenbergite (*) Pyroxene CaFe2+ Si2 O6 457 350.45 3 219320 ,219384 ,219388 741 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 457 246 12 219304 ,219313 ,219320 ,219324 ,219335 ,219352 ,219378 ,219384 ,219386 ,219388 ,219392 ,219405 14640 Heterosite (*) Olivine Fe3+ (PO4 ) 2 219303 ,219377 204 Hydroxylherderite (*) Gadolinite CaBe(PO4 )(OH) 1 219377 119 Hydrozincite (*) None Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 1 219362 1066 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 457 350.45 4 219300 ,219303 ,219320 ,219388 5433 Kaolinite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 364.15 350.45 4 219312 ,219320 ,219360 ,219369 5591 Laumontite (*) Not in a structural group CaAl2 Si4 O12 ·4H2 O 2 219356 ,219405 1271 Lizardite (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 503.6 428.27 1 219357 359 Löllingite (*) Löllingite FeAs2 1 219377 762 Magnesite (*) Calcite Mg(CO3 ) 369 246 4 219308 ,219348 ,219350 ,219360 1487 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 503.6 246 27 219301 ,219304 ,219306 ,219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219325 ,219328 ,219330 ,219346 ,219348 ,219349 ,219350 ,219353 ,219354 ,219357 ,219372 ,219381 ,219384 ,219385 ,219387 ,219388 ,219389 ,219392 ,219395 ,219405 ,219408 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 3 219317 ,219362 ,219408 12537 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 1 219370 5674 Microcline (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 457 350.45 19 219302 ,219304 ,219305 ,219306 ,219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219325 ,219328 ,219330 ,219334 ,219335 ,219337 ,219353 ,219384 ,219388 ,219392 ,219394 ,219405 4924 Minnesotaite (*) Clay Talc Fe2+ 3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 457 418 1 219384 61 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 431.82 350.45 9 219306 ,219320 ,219324 ,219334 ,219354 ,219384 ,219389 ,219392 ,219405 5800 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 457 230.03 9 219300 ,219302 ,219320 ,219324 ,219344 ,219362 ,219375 ,219384 ,219390 17380 Natrolite (*) Natrolite Na2 (Si3 Al2 )O10 ·2H2 O 396 388 2 219390 ,219392 1236 Nepheline (*) Tridymite Na3 K(Al4 Si4 O16 ) 396 350.45 7 219304 ,219306 ,219320 ,219353 ,219354 ,219392 ,219396 884 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 396 350.45 9 219308 ,219313 ,219320 ,219324 ,219335 ,219337 ,219363 ,219376 ,219392 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 457 350.45 6 219304 ,219320 ,219354 ,219384 ,219392 ,219394 2349 Phenakite (*) Phenakite Be2 (SiO4 ) 364.15 350.45 1 219320 326 Phlogopite (*) Mica Clay KMg3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 1 219364 2273 Pigeonite (*) Pyroxene (Mg,Fe,Ca)2 Si2 O6 503.6 350.45 2 219320 ,219357 303 Prehnite (*) Prehnite Ca2 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 503.6 428.27 5 219356 ,219357 ,219359 ,219378 ,219405 1898 Pyrargyrite (*) None Ag3 SbS3 1 219362 1425 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 990 230.03 27 219298 ,219300 ,219308 ,219311 ,219313 ,219320 ,219324 ,219337 ,219339 ,219348 ,219349 ,219352 ,219357 ,219362 ,219363 ,219364 ,219372 ,219373 ,219384 ,219386 ,219392 ,219403 ,219405 ,219407 ,219408 ,219409 ,219410 39462 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 457 350.45 6 219303 ,219306 ,219320 ,219362 ,219370 ,219384 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 990 230.03 44 219300 ,219302 ,219303 ,219304 ,219306 ,219307 ,219308 ,219311 ,219313 ,219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219325 ,219328 ,219330 ,219334 ,219335 ,219337 ,219346 ,219348 ,219349 ,219356 ,219357 ,219362 ,219363 ,219364 ,219365 ,219369 ,219371 ,219372 ,219375 ,219376 ,219378 ,219381 ,219384 ,219386 ,219387 ,219388 ,219389 ,219390 ,219400 ,219403 ,219405 ,219409 61156 Rhodochrosite (*) Calcite Mn(CO3 ) 1 219337 1711 Riebeckite (*) Amphibole Na2 (Fe2+ 3 Fe3+ 2 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 396 350.45 6 219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219335 ,219346 ,219392 375 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 364.15 350.45 4 219324 ,219337 ,219372 ,219404 5614 Sanidine (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 396 388 2 219392 ,219394 598 Schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 990 230.03 2 219300 ,219302 2705 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 383.26 246 11 219320 ,219324 ,219334 ,219335 ,219337 ,219348 ,219362 ,219363 ,219364 ,219369 ,219405 6417 Sillimanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 SiO5 1 219375 1516 Silver (*) Copper Ag 1 219362 5186 Sodalite (*) Cancrinite-sodalite Sodalite Na4 (Si3 Al3 )O12 Cl 396 388 6 219304 ,219353 ,219354 ,219392 ,219395 ,219396 444 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 364.15 350.45 9 219298 ,219299 ,219300 ,219303 ,219320 ,219324 ,219362 ,219390 ,219405 21482 Spinel (*) Spinel MgAl2 O4 503.6 428.27 1 219357 1934 Stephanite (*) None Ag5 SbS4 1 219362 586 Stibnite (*) Stibnite Sb2 S3 1 219362 3418 Sulphur (*) Sulphur S 364.15 350.45 1 219324 2045 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 369 246 3 219301 ,219350 ,219371 3337 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 2 219317 ,219362 5317 Thorite (*) Zircon Th(SiO4 ) 431.82 350.45 4 219320 ,219324 ,219384 ,219389 1006 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 396 388 5 219304 ,219320 ,219333 ,219364 ,219392 4899 Tremolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg5.0-4.5 Fe2+ 0.0-0.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 1 219407 2562 Triphylite (*) Olivine LiFe2+ (PO4 ) 1 219303 313 Uranophane-α (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·5H2 O 990 230.03 1 219302 890 Vesuvianite (*) Vesuvianite (Ca,Na)19 (Al,Mg,Fe)13 (SiO4 )10 (Si2 O7 )4 (OH,F,O)10 2 219363 ,219364 1395 Wollastonite (*) Wollastonite CaSiO3 2 219363 ,219364 1247 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 503.6 335.26 22 219304 ,219320 ,219323 ,219324 ,219325 ,219328 ,219330 ,219335 ,219346 ,219349 ,219353 ,219357 ,219372 ,219381 ,219384 ,219387 ,219388 ,219389 ,219392 ,219394 ,219395 ,219405 5251 Zirconolite (*) Zirconolite (Ca,Y)Zr(Ti,Mg,Al)2 O7 457 418 2 219304 ,219384 140 Zoisite (*) Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 990 230.03 3 219300 ,219316 ,219360 1025
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-06237 990 918 954±36 Rb-Sr plagioclase 33585 I-93/Dascomb Rd. Area, Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-06238 398 382 390±8 Rb-Sr microcline Microcline 33585 I-93/Dascomb Rd. Area, Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-06239 242.03 230.03 236.03±6 Rb-Sr muscovite Muscovite 33585 I-93/Dascomb Rd. Area, Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-06241 242.03 230.03 236.03±6 Rb-Sr muscovite Muscovite 33585 I-93/Dascomb Rd. Area, Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-01308 350.45 350.45 350.45 Rb-Sr initial age disturbed by weathering whole rock 206529 Blackburn Circle Locality, Gloucester, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-01309 364.15 364.15 364.15 Rb-Sr initial age disturbed by weathering whole rock 206529 Blackburn Circle Locality, Gloucester, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit Alexandra-0417 262 246 254 ± 8 K-Ar Age of basalt whole rock 22345 Lynnfield, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA Lynnfkld Zartman et al. (1970) 10.1130/0016-7606(1970)81[3359:APDOKR]2.0.CO;2 GSAB81_3359 Edit Alexandra-0418 268 252 260 ± 8 K-Ar Age of granite biotite 22345 Lynnfield, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA Lynnfkld Zartman et al. (1970) 10.1130/0016-7606(1970)81[3359:APDOKR]2.0.CO;2 GSAB81_3359 Edit Alexandra-0419 369 349 359 ± 10 K-Ar Age of granite hornblende 22345 Lynnfield, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA Lynnfkld Zartman et al. (1970) 10.1130/0016-7606(1970)81[3359:APDOKR]2.0.CO;2 GSAB81_3359 Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00947 383.26 335.26 359.26±24 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 33588 Kallenberg Quarry (Robin Rock Quarry), Lynnfield, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00950 474.27 428.27 451.27±23 Rb-Sr minimum age of intrusion biotite 22346 Nahant, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00951 503.6 461.6 482.6±21 Rb-Sr age of intrusion biotite 22346 Nahant, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00934 431.82 419.82 425.82±6 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 47041 Babson Farm Quarry, Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00935 431.82 419.82 425.82±6 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 47041 Babson Farm Quarry, Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-U-Th-Pb-00150_206_238 426 418 422±4 206_238 zircon Zircon 47041 Babson Farm Quarry, Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-U-Th-Pb USGS-U-Th-Pb Edit USGS-U-Th-Pb-00150_207_206 457 445 451±6 207_206 zircon Zircon 47041 Babson Farm Quarry, Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-U-Th-Pb USGS-U-Th-Pb Edit USGS-U-Th-Pb-00150_207_235 431 423 427±4 207_235 zircon Zircon 47041 Babson Farm Quarry, Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-U-Th-Pb USGS-U-Th-Pb Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00936 431.82 419.82 425.82±6 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 209564 Flat Ledge Quarry (Flatledge Quarry), Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00937 431.82 419.82 425.82±6 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 209564 Flat Ledge Quarry (Flatledge Quarry), Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-00938 431.82 419.82 425.82±6 Rb-Sr age meaning uncertain (geologic factors) whole rock 209564 Flat Ledge Quarry (Flatledge Quarry), Rockport Granite Company Quarries, Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit Bradley_2012_072 396 388 392±4 U/Pb zircon Zircon 15757 Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, USA Salem gabbro diorite McCauley and Bradley (2014) 10.3749/canmin.52.2.183 CM52_183
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