A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
None | Quartz |
Quartz (*) |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | 60 | 5.3 | 0 | 61156 |
Age ID | Locality Notes |
Giersdorf_00000882 | Boulder batholith in western Montana extends from a few miles south of Helena to about 20 miles south of Butte. The northern part of the hatholith includes most of the batholith north of the latitude of Boulder and a narrow strip near the east margin of the batholith south of Boulder. This area lies between the Elkhorn mountains on the east and the rather broad, high-level surface making up the Continental Divide on the west. Although the area is mountainous, the topography is not rugged but is characterized by smoothly rounded ridges commonlya bout 1,000 feet above the major valleys. Most of the higher valleys were occupied by glaciers in the Pleistocene epoch, but typical alpine cirques are rare. The localities listed here are the Uranium deposits found within the Boulder Batholith. |
Excel ID | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | Age as listed in reference | Dating Method | Age Interpret | Prioritized? | Sample Source | Sample Num | Run Num | Age from other Locality | Dated Mineral | Minerals explicitely stated as having this age | Age applies to these Elements | MinDat Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Location as listed in reference | Reference | Reference DOI | Reference ID | Age Notes | |
Giersdorf_00000882 | 60 | 5.3 | 60-paleocene | alaskite | Yes | U | 166261 | W. Wilson Mine (Liverpool Mine), Clancy-Lump Gulch Mining District, Jefferson Co., Montana, USA | W. Wilson Mine | Becraft (1956) | 10.2113/gsecongeo.51.4.362 | EG51_362 | The age for the Uranium deposits of the Boulder Batholith are described as being post-Alaskite of 60 Ma and pre-Dacite, which is described as being early Oligocene by one of the author's references up to Miocene by another. |
Sample | Source Locality | Reference URL |
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