A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
Mineral name | Structural Groups | IMA Formula | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | # of Sublocalities containing mineral | LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids | # of localities containing mineral |
Actinolite (*) | Amphibole | Ca2(Mg4.5-2.5Fe2+0.5-2.5)Si8O22(OH)2 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 3419 |
Agakhanovite-(Y) (*) | Milarite | YCa 2KBe3Si12O30 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 3 |
Albite (*) | Feldspar | Na(AlSi3O8) | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 8803 |
Allanite-(Ce) (*) | Allanite Epidote | CaCe(Al2Fe2+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 706 |
Bastnäsite-(Ce) (*) | Bastnäsite | Ce(CO3)F | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 304 |
Bazzite (*) | Beryl | Be3(Sc,Fe3+,Mg)2Si6O18·Na0.32·nH2O | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 51 |
Bertrandite (*) | Not in a structural group | Be4Si2O7(OH)2 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 606 |
Beryl (*) | Beryl | Be3Al2Si6O18 | 967 | 960 | 4 | 93650,93651,93652,93654 | 4286 |
Beusite (*) | Graftonite | Mn2+Mn2+2(PO4)2 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 39 |
Bismoclite (*) | Matlockite | BiOCl | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 71 |
Bismuth (*) | Arsenic | Bi | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 1966 |
Bismutite (*) | Bismutite | Bi2O2(CO3) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 716 |
Bohseite (*) | Bavenite | Ca4Be3+xAl1-xSi9O25-x(OH)3+x (x = 0 to 1) | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 5 |
Brookite (*) | Brookite | TiO2 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 700 |
Calcite (*) | Calcite | Ca(CO3) | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 27770 |
Cascandite (*) | Pectolite | CaScSi3O8(OH) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 6 |
Cassiterite (*) | Rutile | SnO2 | 967 | 960 | 4 | 93650,93651,93653,93654 | 5171 |
Cerianite-(Ce) (*) | Fluorite | CeO2 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 94 |
Cerussite (*) | Aragonite | Pb(CO3) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 4979 |
Clinochlore (*) | Chlorite Clay | Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 1756 |
Clinozoisite (*) | Clinozoisite Epidote | Ca2Al3[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 1025 |
Epidote (*) | Epidote Clinozoisite | Ca2(Al2Fe3+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 8173 |
Euxenite-(Y) (*) | Columbite | Y(NbTi)O6 | 967 | 960 | 1 | 93654 | 414 |
Fergusonite-(Y) (*) | Scheelite | YNbO4 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 196 |
Fluocerite-(Ce) (*) | Fluocerite | CeF3 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93651,93654 | 45 |
Fluor-schorl (*) | Tourmaline | NaFe2+3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3F | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 25 |
Fluorite (*) | Fluorite | CaF2 | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 9617 |
Gadolinite-(Y) (*) | Gadolinite | Y2Fe2+Be2O2(SiO4)2 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 163 |
Gahnite (*) | Spinel | ZnAl2O4 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 445 |
Galena (*) | Rocksalt | PbS | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 24243 |
Goethite (*) | Diaspore | FeO(OH) | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 7437 |
Heftetjernite (*) | Columbite | ScTaO4 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 1 |
Hellandite-(Y) (*) | Hellandite | (Ca,REE)4Y2Al 2(B4Si4O22)(OH)2 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 18 |
Helvine (*) | Sodalite Cancrinite-sodalite | Be3Mn2+4(SiO4)3S | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 237 |
Hingganite-(Ce) (*) | Gadolinite | BeCe(SiO4)(OH) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 13 |
Hingganite-(Y) (*) | Gadolinite | BeY(SiO4)(OH) | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 55 |
Ilmenite (*) | Corundum | Fe2+Ti4+O3 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 5433 |
Ixiolite (*) | Columbite | (Ta2/3Mn2+1/3)O2 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93654 | 148 |
Kainosite-(Y) (*) | None | Ca2Y2(SiO3)4(CO3)·H2O | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 99 |
Kamphaugite-(Y) (*) | None | CaY(CO3)2(OH)·H2O | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93651,93654 | 28 |
Kristiansenite (*) | Kristiansenite | Ca4Sc2Sn2(Si2O7)2(Si2O6OH)2 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 6 |
Kuliokite-(Y) (*) | None | Y4Al(SiO4)2(OH)2F5 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 3 |
Laumontite (*) | Not in a structural group | CaAl2Si4O12·4H2O | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 1271 |
Lepidocrocite (*) | Lepidocrocite | Fe3+O(OH) | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 581 |
Magnetite (*) | Spinel | Fe2+Fe3+2O4 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 14899 |
Microcline (*) | Feldspar | K(AlSi3O8) | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 4924 |
Milarite (*) | Milarite | KCa2(Be2AlSi12)O30·H2O | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 156 |
Molybdenite (*) | Molybdenite | MoS2 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93654 | 5800 |
Monazite-(Ce) (*) | Monazite | Ce(PO4) | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 945 |
Muscovite (*) | Mica Clay | KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 17380 |
Nontronite (*) | Clay Smectite-vermiculite | Na0.3Fe3+2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2·nH2O | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 471 |
Oftedalite (*) | Milarite | KSc2 2Be3Si12O30 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 1 |
Opal (*) | Amorphous | SiO2·nH2O | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 2994 |
Phenakite (*) | Phenakite | Be2(SiO4) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 326 |
Plattnerite (*) | Rutile | PbO2 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 158 |
Polycrase-(Y) (*) | Columbite | Y(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 121 |
Polylithionite (*) | Mica | KLi2AlSi4O10F2 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 89 |
Pyrite (*) | Pyrite | FeS2 | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 39462 |
Quartz (*) | Quartz | SiO2 | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 61156 |
Rutile (*) | Rutile | TiO2 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93654 | 5614 |
Rynersonite (*) | Aeschynite | CaTa2O6 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 14 |
Scandiobabingtonite (*) | Rhodonite | (Ca,Na)2(Fe2+,Mn)(Sc,Fe3+)Si5O14(OH) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 3 |
Schorl (*) | Tourmaline | NaFe2+3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH) | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93650,93651 | 2705 |
Siderophyllite (*) | Mica | KFe2+2Al(Si2Al2)O10(OH)2 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 92 |
Spessartine (*) | Garnet | Mn2+3Al2(SiO4)3 | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 1214 |
Sphalerite (*) | Sphalerite | ZnS | 967 | 960 | 1 | 93654 | 21482 |
Stilpnomelane (*) | Stilpnomelane Clay | (K,Ca,Na)(Fe,Mg,Al)8(Si,Al)12(O,OH)36·nH2O | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 456 |
Synchysite-(Y) (*) | None | CaY(CO3)2F | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 55 |
Tantalite-(Fe) (*) | Columbite | Fe2+Ta2O6 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 99 |
Tengerite-(Y) (*) | Tengerite | Y2(CO3)3·2-3H2O | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 24 |
Thorite (*) | Zircon | Th(SiO4) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 1006 |
Thortveitite (*) | Thortveitite | Sc2Si2O7 | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 54 |
Titanite (*) | Titanite | CaTi(SiO4)O | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 4899 |
Topaz (*) | Topaz | Al2SiO4F2 | 967 | 960 | 2 | 93651,93654 | 1476 |
Trilithionite (*) | Mica | KLi1.5Al1.5(Si3Al)O10F2 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 28 |
Tveitite-(Y) (*) | None | (Y,Na)6(Ca,Na,REE)12(Ca,Na)F42 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 8 |
Uedaite-(Ce) (*) | Epidote | Mn2+CeAl2Fe2+(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) | 967 | 967 | 1 | 93650 | 8 |
Xenotime-(Y) (*) | Zircon | Y(PO4) | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 939 |
Yttrotantalite-(Y) (*) | Columbite | (Y,U,Fe2+)(Ta,Nb)(O,OH)4 | 960 | 960 | 1 | 93651 | 51 |
Zircon (*) | Zircon | Zr(SiO4) | 967 | 960 | 3 | 93650,93651,93654 | 5251 |
Excel ID | Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | Age as listed in reference | Dating Method | Age Interpret | Prioritized? | Sample Source | Sample Num | Run Num | Age from other Locality | Dated Mineral | Minerals explicitely stated as having this age | Age applies to these Elements | MinDat Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Location as listed in reference | Reference | Reference DOI | Reference ID | Age Notes | |
Jen_0000020 | 960 | 960 | 960 | 23233 | Tørdal, Drangedal, Telemark, Norway | Tordal Granite | Černý (1991) | 10.1016/0301-9268(91)90111-M | PR51_429 | ||||||||||||
Be-00014 | 967 | 967 | 967 | high | Bazzite, Oftedalite | Be | 2517 | Heftetjern Pegmatite, Tørdal, Drangedal, Telemark, Norway | Andersen et al. (2007) | NGUB440_5 |
Sample | Source Locality | Reference URL |
R040138 | Tørdal, Drangedal, Telemark, Norway | https://rruff.info/R040138 |
R090022 | Heftetjern Pegmatite, Tørdal, Drangedal, Telemark, Norway | https://rruff.info/R090022 |
All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org
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