Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.

The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.

Locality Name:
Bohuliby, Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech Republic

Oldest recorded age at locality: 725
Youngest recorded age at locality: 236

mindat Locality ID: 30222
mindat URL: http://www.mindat.org/loc-30222.html

Tectonic Settings:

Total number of sublocalities beneath "Bohuliby, Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech Republic": 2
Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 2

Number of Child Localities: 2
Child Localities:
Anna Shaft
Bohuliby Mine

Latitude: 49°52'57"N
Longitude: 14°27'25"E
Decimal Degree (lat, lon): 49.8825,14.456944444444

AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
GThis mineral is directly dated.
BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

This Mineral list contains entries from this locality, including sub-localities. Minerals in bold are reported by mindat.org as occurring directly at this locality, and do not occur at any children (sublocalities) of this locality.

Elements at this locality, including sub-localities: Ag Al As Au Bi C Ca Cu Fe H Hg K Mg O Pb S Sb Si Sn Te W Zn 

Elements from minerals reported directly at this locality: 

Structural Groups for minerals in this locality: 

26 IMA Minerals at location:
Altaite  (*)Ankerite  (*)Arsenopyrite  (*)Buckhornite  (*)Calaverite  (*)
Calcite  (*)Chalcopyrite  (*)Coloradoite  (*)Dolomite  (*)Galena  (*)
Gold  (*)Hessite  (*)Kësterite  (*)Muscovite  (*)Nagyágite  (*)
Petzite  (*)Pyrite  (*)Quartz  (*)Rucklidgeite  (*)Scheelite  (*)
Sphalerite  (*)Stannite  (*)Tellurobismuthite  (*)Tetradymite  (*)Tetrahedrite-(Zn)  (*)
Volynskite  (*)
Mineral nameStructural GroupsIMA FormulaMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)# of Sublocalities containing mineralLOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids# of localities containing mineral
Altaite  (*)RocksaltPbTe476236147663489
Ankerite  (*)NoneCa(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)24762361476633092
Arsenopyrite  (*)ArsenopyriteFeAsS476236247662,476639052
Buckhornite  (*)Buckhornite(Pb2BiS3)(AuTe2)47623614766313
Calaverite  (*)MeloniteAuTe2476236147663361
Calcite  (*)CalciteCa(CO3)47623614766327770
Chalcopyrite  (*)ChalcopyriteCuFeS247623614766327198
Coloradoite  (*)SphaleriteHgTe476418147663169
Dolomite  (*)NoneCaMg(CO3)24762361476639895
Galena  (*)RocksaltPbS476236247662,4766324243
Gold  (*)CopperAu476236247662,4766330554
Hessite  (*)NoneAg2Te476236147663804
Kësterite  (*)Stannite SphaleriteCu2ZnSnS447623614766382
Muscovite  (*)Mica ClayKAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2339.6338.114766317380
Nagyágite  (*)None[Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)347623614766367
Petzite  (*)NoneAg3AuTe2476236147663409
Pyrite  (*)PyriteFeS2476236247662,4766339462
Quartz  (*)QuartzSiO247623614766361156
Rucklidgeite  (*)TetradymitePbBi2Te447623614766364
Scheelite  (*)ScheeliteCa(WO4)4762361476634894
Sphalerite  (*)SphaleriteZnS47623614766321482
Stannite  (*)Stannite SphaleriteCu2FeSnS4476236147663668
Tellurobismuthite  (*)TetradymiteBi2Te3476236147663276
Tetradymite  (*)TetradymiteBi2Te2S476236147663510
Tetrahedrite-(Zn)  (*)TetrahedriteCu6(Cu4Zn2)Sb4S134762361476635317
Volynskite  (*)NoneAgBiTe247623614766364

Locality Notes from all Ages at Locality:
Age IDLocality Notes
JCGS48_70_00048km south of Jilove
JCGS48_70_0006Certovo Bremeno intrusion (suite)
JCGS48_70_0007Certovo Bremeno intrusion (suite)

72 Ages assigned to this locality:

Excel IDMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)Age as listed in referenceDating MethodAge InterpretPrioritized?Sample SourceSample NumRun NumAge from other LocalityDated MineralMinerals explicitely stated as having this ageAge applies to these ElementsMinDat Locality IDDated Locality (Max Age)Location as listed in referenceReferenceReference DOIReference IDAge Notes
Mo-00489418418418U-Th-Pb    Yes Mo, Hg20633Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicJiloveBielicki and Tischendorf (1991)10.1007/BF00321987CMP106_440 
Mo-00490476476476U-Pb    Yes Mo, Hg20633Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicJiloveBielicki and Tischendorf (1991)10.1007/BF00321987CMP106_440 
JG54_1-00008339.1338.1338.6±0.5Ar-Ar muscovite  YesMuscovite  18429Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicJílové u PrahyŠkácha et al. (2009)10.3190/jgeosci.030JG54_1 
JG54_1-00009339.6338.4339±0.6Ar-Ar muscovite  YesMuscovite  18429Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicJílové u PrahyŠkácha et al. (2009)10.3190/jgeosci.030JG54_1 
JCGS48_70_0004357.6350.6354.1±3.5U-Pb zirconSa-22 YesZircon  31534Sázava, Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicSázavaJanousek and Gerdes (2003) JCGS48_70upper intercept
JCGS48_70_0005373329351±22Pb-Pb zircon  YesZircon  31534Sázava, Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicSázavaJanousek and Gerdes (2003) JCGS48_70 
JCGS48_70_0006355331343±12Pb-Pb zircon  YesZircon  31534Sázava, Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicSázavaJanousek and Gerdes (2003) JCGS48_70 
JCGS48_70_0007336336336Ar-ArAr-Ar- cooling agebiotite  Yes  31534Sázava, Jílové Gold Mining District, Jílové, Děčín District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicSázavaJanousek and Gerdes (2003) JCGS48_70Ar-Ar- cooling age
Kristen001315312312 206Pb/238U zircon1 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001316317317 206Pb/238U zircon2 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001317313313 206Pb/238U zircon3 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001318330330 206Pb/238U zircon4 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001319340340 206Pb/238U zircon5 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001320360360 206Pb/238U zircon6 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001321322322 206Pb/238U zircon7 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001322324324 206Pb/238U zircon8 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001323314314 206Pb/238U zircon9 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001324330330 206Pb/238U zircon10 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001325292292 206Pb/238U zircon11 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001326366366 206Pb/238U zircon12 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001327317317 206Pb/238U zircon13 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001328320320 206Pb/238U zircon14 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001329311311 206Pb/238U zircon15 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001330316316 206Pb/238U zircon16 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001331267267 206Pb/238U zircon18 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001332291291 206Pb/238U zircon19 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001333252252 206Pb/238U zircon20 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001334280280 206Pb/238U zircon21 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001335274274 206Pb/238U zircon22 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001336313313 207Pb/235U zircon1 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001337317317 207Pb/235U zircon2 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001338313313 207Pb/235U zircon3 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001339330330 207Pb/235U zircon4 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001340341341 207Pb/235U zircon5 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001341367367 207Pb/235U zircon6 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001342321321 207Pb/235U zircon7 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001343324324 207Pb/235U zircon8 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001344311311 207Pb/235U zircon9 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001345330330 207Pb/235U zircon10 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001346295295 207Pb/235U zircon11 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001347374374 207Pb/235U zircon12 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001348322322 207Pb/235U zircon13 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001349319319 207Pb/235U zircon14 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001350302302 207Pb/235U zircon15 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001351316316 207Pb/235U zircon16 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001352319319 207Pb/235U zircon18 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001353291291 207Pb/235U zircon19 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001354303303 207Pb/235U zircon20 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001355287287 207Pb/235U zircon21 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001356326326 207Pb/235U zircon22 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001357320320 207Pb/206Pb zircon1 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001358321321 207Pb/206Pb zircon2 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001359314314 207Pb/206Pb zircon3 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001360333333 207Pb/206Pb zircon4 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001361350350 207Pb/206Pb zircon5 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001362411411 207Pb/206Pb zircon6 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001363316316 207Pb/206Pb zircon7 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001364320320 207Pb/206Pb zircon8 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001365293293 207Pb/206Pb zircon9 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001366329329 207Pb/206Pb zircon10 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001367320320 207Pb/206Pb zircon11 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001368428428 207Pb/206Pb lowzircon12 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001369360360 207Pb/206Pb zircon13 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001370318318 207Pb/206Pb zircon14 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001371236236 207Pb/206Pb zircon15 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001372319319 207Pb/206Pb zircon16 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001373725725 207Pb/206Pb lowzircon18 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001374287287 207Pb/206Pb zircon19 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001375717717 207Pb/206Pb lowzircon20 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001376348348 207Pb/206Pb zircon21 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001377719719 207Pb/206Pb lowzircon22 YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 
Kristen001378321.6316.8319.2±2.4 emplacement agezircon  YesZircon  774Teplice District, Ústí Nad Labem Region, Czech RepublicPísečný vrchRomer et al. (2010)10.1127/0077-7757/2010/0179NJMA187_289 

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