Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Agardite-(Ce) (*) Mixite CeCu2+ 6 (AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 1 118442 43 Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 7 118361 ,118388 ,118390 ,118398 ,118413 ,118445 ,118447 2162 Andalusite (*) Andalusite Al2 SiO5 1 118442 1310 Anglesite (*) Baryte Pb(SO4 ) 1 118400 2734 Antlerite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2+ 3 (SO4 )(OH)4 1 118361 246 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 5 118361 ,118392 ,118442 ,118445 ,118457 9052 Atacamite (*) Atacamite Cu2 Cl(OH)3 1 118361 544 Bismite (*) None Bi2 O3 2 118437 ,118442 214 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 1 118448 1935 Bismutite (*) Bismutite Bi2 O2 (CO3 ) 1 118442 716 Botallackite (*) Atacamite Cu2 Cl(OH)3 1 118361 49 Bournonite (*) Bournonite CuPbSbS3 1 118391 1089 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 3 118361 ,118390 ,118438 1633 Carbonatecyanotrichite (*) Cyanotrichite Cu4 Al2 (CO3 )(OH)12 ·2H2 O 1 118361 88 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 291.8 262 53 118343 ,118345 ,118349 ,118360 ,118361 ,118364 ,118384 ,118385 ,118388 ,118390 ,118391 ,118396 ,118398 ,118399 ,118400 ,118401 ,118402 ,118404 ,118412 ,118413 ,118414 ,118416 ,118418 ,118419 ,118420 ,118421 ,118422 ,118423 ,118424 ,118425 ,118426 ,118427 ,118429 ,118430 ,118431 ,118433 ,118436 ,118437 ,118438 ,118439 ,118440 ,118441 ,118442 ,118444 ,118445 ,118447 ,118448 ,118449 ,118450 ,118451 ,118453 ,118456 ,118457 5171 Cervantite (*) None Sb3+ Sb5+ O4 1 118427 352 Chalcanthite (*) Chalcanthite Cu(SO4 )·5H2 O 1 118361 925 Chalcoalumite (*) Chalcoalumite CuAl4 (SO4 )(OH)12 ·3H2 O 2 118361 ,118390 91 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 4 118361 ,118386 ,118403 ,118444 5707 Chalcophyllite (*) Chalcophyllite Cu18 Al2 (AsO4 )4 (SO4 )3 (OH)24 ·36H2 O 1 118365 194 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 39 118350 ,118355 ,118371 ,118373 ,118375 ,118383 ,118386 ,118388 ,118389 ,118390 ,118392 ,118395 ,118398 ,118400 ,118401 ,118403 ,118404 ,118413 ,118414 ,118419 ,118421 ,118422 ,118423 ,118425 ,118427 ,118431 ,118433 ,118435 ,118437 ,118438 ,118439 ,118442 ,118444 ,118445 ,118447 ,118448 ,118449 ,118453 ,118457 27198 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 1 118365 3531 Clinochlore (*) Chlorite Clay Mg5 Al(AlSi3 O10 )(OH)8 1 118413 1756 Cobaltite (*) Cobaltite CoAsS 1 118392 966 Connellite (*) Connellite Cu36 (SO4 )(OH)62 Cl8 ·6H2 O 1 118438 295 Copper (*) Copper Cu 6 118365 ,118390 ,118403 ,118414 ,118421 ,118442 3846 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 1 118427 4165 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 5 118365 ,118390 ,118403 ,118414 ,118442 2970 Erythrite (*) Vivianite Co3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 1 118392 814 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 291.8 262 12 118419 ,118420 ,118422 ,118423 ,118425 ,118427 ,118438 ,118439 ,118441 ,118444 ,118445 ,118447 9617 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 7 118371 ,118392 ,118398 ,118400 ,118431 ,118438 ,118439 24243 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 5 118388 ,118415 ,118419 ,118423 ,118442 7437 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 3 118423 ,118442 ,118443 14640 Langite (*) None Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·2H2 O 1 118438 593 Löllingite (*) Löllingite FeAs2 1 118392 762 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 4 118388 ,118390 ,118403 ,118445 12537 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 1 118413 5674 Melanterite (*) Melanterite Fe(SO4 )·7H2 O 2 118413 ,118442 915 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 2 118413 ,118424 17380 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 1 118442 2349 Pharmacosiderite (*) Pharmacosiderite KFe3+ 4 (AsO4 )3 (OH)4 ·6-7H2 O 1 118365 428 Phenakite (*) Phenakite Be2 (SiO4 ) 1 118445 326 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 31 118350 ,118355 ,118371 ,118374 ,118383 ,118386 ,118389 ,118392 ,118395 ,118396 ,118401 ,118404 ,118413 ,118414 ,118419 ,118420 ,118421 ,118423 ,118431 ,118437 ,118438 ,118439 ,118442 ,118444 ,118445 ,118447 ,118448 ,118449 ,118453 ,118454 ,118457 39462 Pyromorphite (*) Apatite Pb5 (PO4 )3 Cl 1 118392 1725 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 2 118427 ,118440 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 33 118350 ,118355 ,118371 ,118383 ,118386 ,118388 ,118389 ,118392 ,118395 ,118398 ,118400 ,118401 ,118404 ,118413 ,118414 ,118419 ,118420 ,118421 ,118422 ,118423 ,118424 ,118429 ,118435 ,118437 ,118438 ,118439 ,118442 ,118444 ,118445 ,118447 ,118448 ,118449 ,118453 61156 Rosasite (*) Malachite CuZn(CO3 )(OH)2 1 118361 454 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 1 118440 4894 Schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 4 118431 ,118435 ,118442 ,118448 2705 Scorodite (*) None Fe3+ (AsO4 )·2H2 O 2 118365 ,118403 1153 Serpierite (*) Devilline Ca(Cu,Zn)4 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 1 118390 292 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 8 118386 ,118388 ,118404 ,118423 ,118427 ,118433 ,118445 ,118447 6417 Skutterudite (*) Skutterudite Perovskite CoAs3 2 118391 ,118392 531 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 20 118351 ,118371 ,118388 ,118390 ,118396 ,118398 ,118400 ,118404 ,118413 ,118419 ,118422 ,118423 ,118431 ,118437 ,118438 ,118440 ,118445 ,118447 ,118449 ,118453 21482 Stannite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu2 FeSnS4 4 118414 ,118437 ,118438 ,118439 668 Sulphur (*) Sulphur S 2 118390 ,118413 2045 Svanbergite (*) Alunite SrAl3 (SO4 )(PO4 )(OH)6 1 118442 105 Tennantite-(Fe) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Fe2 )As4 S13 1 118423 1803 Tenorite (*) None CuO 6 118350 ,118389 ,118390 ,118395 ,118442 ,118444 1101 Thénardite (*) None Na2 (SO4 ) 1 118361 299 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 1 118445 4899 Topaz (*) Topaz Al2 SiO4 F2 7 118361 ,118419 ,118421 ,118422 ,118423 ,118427 ,118445 1476 Varlamoffite (*) Rutile (Sn,Fe)(O,OH)2 1 118437 56 Vivianite (*) Vivianite Fe2+ 3 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O 1 118427 636
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit Lucy_070 289 279 284 ± 5 K-Ar muscovite Muscovite 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Wheal Bungay Halliday (1980) 10.2113/gsecongeo.75.5.752 EG75_752 Edit Lucy_132a 289 279 284 ± 5 K/Ar Previous K/Ar determination 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Wheal Bungay Mine Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_132h 283 274.2 278.6 ± 4.4 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 197 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Centre of Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_132i 291.8 282.8 287.3 ± 4.5 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 197 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Centre of Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_132k 275.9 266.9 271.4 ± 4.5 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Arithmetic mean ± standard error of the mean for averaged of data for each sample except 141 Edit Lucy_138e 278.9 270.1 274.5 ± 4.3 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 206 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_138f 270.6 262 266.3 ± 4.3 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 213 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_138g 276.1 267.5 271.8 ± 4.3 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 214 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_138h 271.7 263.1 267.4 ± 4.3 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 218 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_138i 279.1 270.3 274.7 ± 4.4 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 221 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Edit Lucy_138j 271.4 270.4 270.9 ± 1.8 K/Ar New K/Ar determination 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Arithmetic mean of 5 samples Edit Lucy_144g 276.3 272.1 274.2 ± 2.1 K/Ar New K/Ar ages of Kaolinized granite 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Goonbarrow China Pit Bray and Spooner (1983) 10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15 EG78_1064 Arithmetic mean of all samples of Kaolinized Granite at Goonbarrow China Clay Pit omitting 265 sample age of 249.9 ± 4.0 which was judged as erroneous. Edit Lucy_224 283 273 278 ± 5 K-Ar Age of St Agnes Granite muscovite Muscovite 191350 Wheal Bungay, St Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK Wheal Bungay Miller et al (1964) 10.1002/gj.3350040109 GJ4_105 New ages on the granites and derived rocks
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