Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

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  • This page displays localities at which this mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the mineral at these localities.

  • Minerals queried: Jolliffeite

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    Max Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)mindat IDLocality containing MineralCountryTectonic SettingsDated Locality IDDated Locality (Max Age)Reference (Max Age)Reference (Min Age)Excel ID (Max Age)Excel ID (Min Age)Query Minerals# of Query Minerals at LocalityLat DegLat MinLat SecLon DegLon MinLon SecDecimal Degree
    P185018508188CanadaCanadaHg-00086Hg-00086Jolliffeite 1532027-90-3-4053.340833333333,-90.061111111111
    P18501850620Saskatchewan, CanadaCanadaHg-00086Hg-00086Jolliffeite 1532654-106-34-3953.448333333333,-106.5775
    RP1850185019904Beaverlodge Lake Area, Saskatchewan, CanadaCanada29182Shirley Peninsula, Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan, CanadaHg-00086Hg-00086Jolliffeite 1593250-108-32-4159.547222222222,-108.54472222222
    RP18501850266307Black Bay Uranium Mines, Beaverlodge Lake Area, Saskatchewan, CanadaCanada29182Shirley Peninsula, Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan, CanadaHg-00086Hg-00086Jolliffeite 159285-108-24-4059.468055555556,-108.41111111111
    MDRO1850185019443Fish Hook Bay Property, Black Bay Uranium Mines, Beaverlodge Lake Area, Saskatchewan, CanadaCanada29182Shirley Peninsula, Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan, CanadaHg-00086Hg-00086Jolliffeite 159285-108-24-4059.468055555556,-108.41111111111
    P348.51507944Czech RepublicCzech RepublicHg-00011Hg-00011Jolliffeite 14951141523449.853888888889,15.384444444444
    P348.515041574Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicCzech RepublicHg-00011Hg-00011Jolliffeite 149564014342049.944444444444,14.572222222222
    P348.515018419Kutná Hora District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicCzech Republic18419Kutná Hora District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicHg-00011Hg-00011Jolliffeite 149534615124849.896111111111,15.213333333333
    P348.5150310401Předbořice, Kutná Hora District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicCzech RepublicHg-00011Hg-00011Jolliffeite 149325714151249.549166666667,14.253333333333
    MDO348.5150771Předbořice Deposit, Předbořice, Kutná Hora District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicCzech RepublicCollisional Boundary771Předbořice Deposit, Předbořice, Kutná Hora District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicHg-00011Hg-00011Jolliffeite 149325814151249.549444444444,14.253333333333
    P327.410014244GermanyGermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 151261810221151.438333333333,10.369722222222
    P327.41007003Saxony, GermanyGermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 150551213234750.92,13.396388888889
    P327.41001905Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyGermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 150354012565950.594444444444,12.949722222222
    P327.410023514Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyGermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 15037571241850.6325,12.685555555556
    P327.41007760Alberoda, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyGermany7760Alberoda, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 15037312421850.6175,12.705
    RP327.4100158072Shaft 366, Alberoda, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyGermanyCollisional Boundary13773Sauberg Mine, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 10000000,0
    MDRY327.410071034Ruhmvoll Vein System, Shaft 366, Alberoda, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyGermany13773Sauberg Mine, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, GermanyMDR_817OGR28_1Co-00024Co-00001Jolliffeite 10000000,0

    This mineral directly occurs at 3 localities (3 localities according to mindat, 17 localities if parents are counted as well)
    Of the 3 localities at which this mineral occurs, 3 have an age. (17 of the 17 parent localities have ages)

    MDThe mineral occurs at this locality according to MED, but does not have an age yet.
    MDThe mineral occurs at this locality according to MED, and has an age.
    The mineral occurs at some child of this locality.
    The locality at which the mineral occurs does not have an age...this is the closest parent locality with an age, relative to that mineral. This is not ideal.

    AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
    GThis mineral is directly dated.
    BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
    YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
    OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
    RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
    PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
    This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

    In order to zoom in/out on the map, you'll need to click inside the map first
    If a locality has both a GPS coordinate, and either contains or has at least one child locality containing at least one of the minerals listed above, then this map displays a single marker for that locality.

     This bottom-level locality is directly dated. (1 total)
     This locality is directly dated, but is not bottom-level. (2 total)
     This locality is not directly dated, and is not bottom-level. (12 total)

     This bottom-level locality has an age assigned to it from some other locality. (2 total)
     This locality does not have an age assigned to it. (0 bottom-level + 0 top/mid-level = 0 total)


    All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org

    All age data...

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