Scholzite R080068

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Record 2490 of 3160  

Name: Scholzite
RRUFF ID: R080068
Ideal Chemistry: CaZn2(PO4)2·2H2O
Locality: Tip Top mine, Custer Country, South Dakota, USA
Source: Tom Loomis TL-42 [view label]
Owner: RRUFF
Description: Parallel aggregate of colorless bladed crystals, associated with jahnsite, R080072
Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
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RRUFF ID: R080068.2
Sample Description: Microprobe Fragment
Sample Description: Unoriented sample

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RRUFF ID: R080068
Sample Description: Unoriented sample
Instrument settings: Thermo Almega XR 532nm @ 100% of 150mW
RRUFF ID: R080068.9
Sample Description: Single crystal, powder profile is calculated
Cell Refinement Output: a: 17.180(3)Å    b: 22.255(3)Å    c: 6.674(1)Å
alpha: 90°    beta: 90°    gamma: 90°   Volume: 2551.9(7)Å3    Crystal System: orthorhombic
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Output file from the Bruker D8 Advance instrument. Includes device headers and XY data.

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REFERENCES for Scholzite

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

Anthony J W, Bideaux R A, Bladh K W, and Nichols M C (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson Arizona, USA, by permission of the Mineralogical Society of America. [view file]

Strunz H (1948) Scholzit, ein neue Mineralart, Fortschritte der Mineralogie, 27, 31-31   [view file]

Fleischer M (1951) New mineral names, American Mineralogist, 36, 381-384   [view file]

Strunz H, Tennyson C (1956) Kristallographie von Scholzit, CaZn2[PO4]2·2H2O, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 107, 318-324   [view file]

Fleischer M (1961) New mineral names, American Mineralogist, 46, 1513-1520   [view file]

Hill R J, Johnson J E, Jones J B (1973) Scholzite and other phosphate minerals from Reaphook Hill, South Australia, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1973, 1-8

Hill R J, Milnes A R (1974) Phosphate minerals from Reaphook Hill, Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Mineralogical Magazine, 39, 684-695   [view file]

Taxer K (1975) Structural investigations on scholzite, American Mineralogist, 60, 1019-1022   [view file]

Taxer K (1992) Order-disorder and polymorphism of the compound with the composition of scholzite, CaZn2[PO4]2·2H2O, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 198, 239-255   [view file]

Frost R L (2004) An infrared and Raman spectroscopic study of natural zinc phosphates, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 60, 1439-1445