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Name: Marialite RRUFF ID: R040113 Ideal Chemistry: Na4Al3Si9O24Cl Locality: Gouverneur, New York, USA Source: University of Arizona Mineral Museum 4398 [view label] Owner: RRUFF Description: Green prismatic crystal Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis |
Mineral Group: [ Scapolite (11) ] | ||
Quick search: [ All Marialite samples (10) ] |
CHEMISTRY | ||||||||
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RAMAN SPECTRUM | ||||||||||||||||||||
INFRARED SPECTRUM (Attenuated Total Reflectance) | |||||||||||||||
RRUFF ID: | R040113.1 | |||||||
Sample Description: | Powder | |||||||
Cell Refinement Output: |
a: 12.1082(4)Å b: 12.1082(4)Å c: 7.5787(2)Å alpha: 90.° beta: 90.° gamma: 90.° Volume: 1111.12(6)Å3 Crystal System: tetragonal |
REFERENCES for Marialite | |
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