1938 March June September December
1939 March June September December
1940 March June September

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Contents: September 1938, Volume 25, Issue 162

Edmondson Spencer
The Potash-Soda-Felspars. II. Some Applications to Petrogenesis
Mineralogical Magazine 1938 25 : 87-118. [Abstract] [PDF]
C. Osborne Hutton
On the Nature of Withamite from Glen Coe, Scotland
Mineralogical Magazine 1938 25 : 119-124. [Abstract] [PDF]
Edgar D. Mountain and Leslie E. Kent
Tabular Spessartine Crystals in Muscovite
Mineralogical Magazine 1938 25 : 125-134. [Abstract] [PDF]
T. Deans and H. C. G. Vincent
Francolite from Sedimentary Ironstones of the Coal Measures
Mineralogical Magazine 1938 25 : 135-139. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. Nagelschmidt
On the Atomic Arrangement and Variability of the Members of the Montmorillonite Group
Mineralogical Magazine 1938 25 : 140-155. [Abstract] [PDF]