- C. T. Madigan and A. R. Alderman
- The Boxhole Meteoritic Iron, Central Australia
Mineralogical Magazine 1940 25 : 481-486.
- George Baker
- Some Australite Structures and Their Origin
Mineralogical Magazine 1940 25 : 487-494.
- G. F. Claringbull
- Occurrences of Bavenite in Switzerland
Mineralogical Magazine 1940 25 : 495-497.
- S. H. Chao, A. Hargreaves and W. H. Taylor
- The Structure of Orthoclase
Mineralogical Magazine 1940 25 : 498-512.
- Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society (1939)
Mineralogical Magazine 1940 25 : lvii-lxviii.