- O. F. Tuttle
- Studies in Felspar Equilibria at the Geophysical Laboratory, Washington
Mineralogical Magazine 1951 29 : 757-758.
- S. W. Bailey, R. B. Ferguson and W. H. Taylor
- X-ray Determination of Centrosymmetry in three Felspars
Mineralogical Magazine 1951 29 : 759-764.
- B. W. Anderson, G. F. Claringbull and M. H. Hey
- Taaffeite, a New Beryllium Mineral, Found as a Cut Gemstone
Mineralogical Magazine 1951 29 : 765-772.
- George P. L. Walker
- The Amygdale Minerals in the Tertiary Lavas of Ireland. I. The Distribution of Chabazite Habits and Zeolites in the Garron Plateau Area, County Antrim
Mineralogical Magazine 1951 29 : 773-791.
- Norman Holgate
- On Crossite from Anglesey
Mineralogical Magazine 1951 29 : 792-798.
- Oleg von Knorring
- A Note on the Occurrence of Columbite in the Meldon Aplite, Devonshire
Mineralogical Magazine 1951 29 : 799-801.