Halogen Mineralogy and Geochemistry
- A. D. Edgar, L. A. Pizzolato and J. Sheen
- Fluorine in Igneous Rocks and Minerals with Emphasis on Ultrapotassic Mafic and Ultramafic Magmas and Their Mantle Source Regions
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 243-257.
- Richard H. Worden
- Controls on Halogen Concentrations in Sedimentary Formation Waters
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 259-274.
- W. M. Edmunds
- Bromine Geochemistry of British Groundwaters
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 275-284.
- Peter J. Treloar and Howard Colley
- Variations in F and Cl Contents in Apatites from Magnetite—Apatite Ores in Northern Chile, and Their Ore-Genetic Implications
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 285-301.
- Gu Lianxing and Frank M. Vokes
- Intergrowths of Hexagonal and Monoclinic Pyrrhotites in Some Sulphide Ores from Norway
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 303-316.
- R. A. Ixer, B. Young and C. J. Stanley
- Bismuth-Bearing Assemblages from the Northern Pennine Orefield
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 317-324.
- Stephen Boult
- Fluvial Metal Transport Near Sources of Acid Mine-Drainage: Relationships of Soluble, Suspended and Deposited Metal
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 325-335.
- J. A. Dalton and F. G. F. Gibb
- Temperature Gradients in Large Cold-Seal Pressure Vessels
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 337-345.
- A. Ya. Medvedev
- Synthetic Armalcolite and Pseudobrookite
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 347-353.
- Susanna Carbonin, Umberto Russo and Antonio Della Giusta
- Cation Distribution in Some Natural Spinels from X-ray Diffraction and Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 355-368.
- Y. Kawachi, D. S. Coombs and H. Miura
- Noélbensonite, a New BaMn Silicate of the Lawsonite Structure Type, from Woods Mine, New South Wales, Australia
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 369-374.
Short Communications
- P. Nimis, G. Molin and D. Visonà
- Crystal Chemistry of Danalite from Daba Shabeli Complex (N Somalia)
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 375-379.
- Kees Linthout and Wim J. Lustenhouwer
- Subsilicic Sodium Gedrite in Leptite of Quartz Keratophyric Origin, Nordmark (Sweden)
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 379-387.
- Eugene E. Foord
- Clinobisvanite, Eulytite, and Namibite from the Pala Pegmatite District, San Diego Co., California, USA
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 387-388.
Book Reviews
- P. J. Treloar
- Melting and Melt Movement in the Earth
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 389-390.
- R. A. Howie
- Silica: Physical Behavior, Geochemistry and Materials Applications
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 390-391.
- R. A. Howie
- Glossary of Mineral Species 1995
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 391-391.